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Tata AIA User Reviews

52 reviews Rate This
Claim Settlement Ratio98.02%
Customer Care10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Death Benefit Paid For2,954 Policies
Presence216 branches
Total Death Benefit Paid222.47 Crore
Rating of Tata AIA
Based on
52 User reviews

Customized Plan Suggestions

I wanted a TATA AIA Term Life Insurance policy but wasn’t sure which coverage amount to choose. InsuranceDekho analyzed my financial needs and suggested the ideal sum assured. Their personalized assistance made it easy to pick the right policy for my family’s future.

Rohit Kumar
On: Feb 25, 2025 | Views

Popularly Opted Term Insurance Sum Assured

Must BuyMust Buy

Why to Buy Term Insurance Policy Online from InsuranceDekho

  • Tax benefit upto 1,50,000*
  • Claim support everyday 10AM-7PM
  • 80 Lacs+ happy customers

Term Insurance News

Tata AIA Term Insurance Contact Details

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Claim Process at Tata AIA Term Insurance

  • 1

    Claim Intimation

    In the case of death of the life assured, a claim intimation to the insurance company must be made as early as possible.
  • 2

    Submission of Documents

    Claim form, death certificate, original policy document, and more documents must be submitted to ensure smooth claim settlement.
  • 3

    Claim Evaluation

    Once the documents are submitted, the insurance company will conduct thorough evaluation of the claim filed.
  • 4

    Claim Settlement

    If claim request is approved, claim settlement is done within 30 days. If additional investigation is required, it make take 6 months.


  • How is your age significant in the Tata AIA Term Insurance premium calculation?

    If you are young and you want to purchase a Tata AIA term insurance plan, the premium that you would have to pay is low. 

  • Do personal habits like smoking increase the premiums?

    Yes, personal habits like smoking can increase the premium because smoking can affect the health of an individual. It increases the risk involved.

  • How is Tata AIA term insurance premium calculator beneficial?

    Tata AIA Term Insurance premium calculators are easy to use and can help a potential buyer to estimate the amount of premiums before actually purchasing the term insurance policy.

  • If I add riders to my life insurance policy will it affect my premium?

    Yes, by adding riders your life insurance premiums will increase because riders are purchased at an extra cost to provide additional benefits with the life insurance policy.

  • What are the different factors that affect the premium of an insurance plan?

    Policyholder’s age, sum assured, gender, lifestyle ,job , medical history, type of policy and tenure of the policy and Riders(if any) are some of the factors that determine the premium of Reliance Life Insurance Plans.