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World Diabetes Day 2022: Check Health Insurance Features & Benefits For Sugar Patients

World Diabetes Day is observed every year on November 14 across the globe to increase public awareness of diabetes as a problem requiring diagnosis, prevention, and management worldwide. This year, World Diabetes Day 2022 is focused on the themes ‘Access to Diabetes Education’ and ‘Access to Care’ for everyone. 

Diabetes has become a major concern, according to World Health Organization reports. It affects approximately 422 million people worldwide and is directly responsible for 1.5 million deaths each year. In India, the population rate of diabetic patients is rapidly increasing between the ages of 20 and 70 years. Therefore, the government has been involved in various awareness drives to educate people on what measures should be taken to manage diabetes. Besides this, many insurance companies now provide health insurance coverage for diabetic patients, recognizing the importance of diabetes prevention.

What does it cover?

Diabetes treatment can bring a lot of financial burden for you and your loved ones. Therefore, a health insurance policy will help you financially by providing coverage for hospitalization, dialysis, ambulance coverage, AYUSH treatment, a no-claim bonus, outpatient expenses such as diagnostic tests, medical consultations, accidental death benefits, and others. In addition to this, health insurance coverage for diabetic patients provides tax benefits to the policyholder under Section 80D. 

Top health insurance plans for diabetes

As a diabetic patient, it is a tough choice to choose the best health insurance policy that provides coverage for diabetes. Listed below are some of the insurance companies that provide diabetes coverage. 

  • Diabetes Safe By Star Health Insurance: 

 Under this health insurance, the policyholder is covered for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. It is available in two variants- Plan A and Plan B, for individuals and families. In Plan A, pre-screening is a must, however, in Plan B, there is no pre-admission medical screening involved. 

  • Diabetes Care By ICICI Prudential: 

It is a comprehensive health insurance policy that offers regular medical examinations and doctor consultations to diabetic patients. It provides long-term coverage up to age 65 and tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, of 1961. 

  • Care Freedom By Care Health Insurance:

The waiting period under this health insurance policy is 24 months. Some of the benefits covered under this plan include in-patient care, daycare treatment, pre-hospitalization, domiciliary care expenses, and much more. 

What is not covered under diabetes health insurance?

Most health insurance plans cover both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, but it is advisable to go through the terms and conditions mentioned in your policy document carefully. Gestational diabetes is a condition that will be covered by the health insurance plan's maternity benefit. Therefore, it is crucial to inform your insurance company at the time of purchasing a health insurance policy to avoid claim rejections.

Also Read: 

What Is Domiciliary Treatment In Health Care?

What Is Restoration Benefit In Health Insurance?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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