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Women Can Get COVID-19 Vaccine Anytime After Delivery: Experts

According to healthcare experts, a woman can get COVID-19 vaccinated anytime after delivering the baby. It must be noted that while the Indian government recently allowed vaccination for lactating mothers, the permit to vaccinate pregnant women against coronavirus is yet to be received. The NITI Aayog Member (Health) has emphasised that there is no problem in breastfeeding after COVID-19 vaccination and it must not be halted even for an hour.

Prof. Khan Amir Maroof, University College of Medical Sciences and GTB Hospital, Delhi has stated that there is a risk to the neonate from a vaccinated, breastfeeding mother so there is no need to delay vaccination after delivery. Moreover, he emphasized that no specific precautions are required to be taken by lactating women with regards to vaccination.

As per Dr. Loveleena Nadir, senior consultant gynaecologist and obstetrician at Fortis La Femme, Rosewalk Hospital and Apollo Cradle Royale, COVID-19 vaccination can be done during any phase of the menstrual cycle as well. She also stated that COVID-19 does not indicate caesarean delivery, however, there have been many preterm births and caesarean deliveries, probably due to maternal illness associated with the infection. Anyone who has recovered from coronavirus should delay vaccination for 3 months from the date of recovery. She further recommended that if a patient has taken the first dose and later finds out about their pregnancy, they must continue with it. Dr. Nadir stressed that pregnancy does not increase the risk of COVID-19, but it can worsen the clinical course in comparison to non-pregnant women.

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It must be noted that experts are stressing on the need to vaccinate pregnant women to protect them against coronavirus infection. As of now, the government does not recommend COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women. According to Prof. Khan Amir Maroof, COVID-19 vaccine trials were not performed on pregnant women, therefore data related to vaccine safety and efficacy in pregnant women is not available. He informed that The Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India has recommended that a coronavirus vaccine should be given to pregnant women as the risk of getting infected and mortality is high. 

COVID-19 vaccination of pregnant and lactating mothers has already begun in many countries. In India, scientists are trying to generate enough data to recommend vaccines for pregnant women. An approval regarding vaccinating pregnant women against coronavirus is highly expected from the Health Ministry. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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