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Will Covid-19 Vaccines Provide Lifelong Protection? This is What We Know So Far

With the ongoing second wave of COVID-19 spread, the government and medical labs have come up with vaccines, as a solution to this problem. The launch of vaccines was a much-awaited event. Across our country, around 20 crore doses have been given in the mass vaccine drive.

At least 13 different types of vaccines have been administered around the globe, among which Sputnik V, Covishield, and Covaxin are prominently in use in India. 

Now, the real question that is arising among the citizens taking the vaccine is how effectively and for how long will this vaccine turn out to be useful?

For How Long Is The Covid-19 Vaccine Effective?

As it has been just a few months that the vaccines have rolled out, it is very unspecific to determine their period of effectiveness. Since it is one of the most asked and curious questions among the people taking the vaccines, rigorous research and study are being conducted on this.

However, in the past few months, the records have shown that the vaccine has successfully enhanced the immunity of the individuals, resisting the virus for at least a few months.

Two doses of vaccine are necessary to attain a high-level immunity response, as just one dose will develop a response in 2 weeks, getting its essence from the second jab. It is highly advisable by the experts to follow the preventive measures even after the vaccine has been taken. 

Need For Two COVID-19 Vaccine Shots

The government and medical advisory have made availability for two doses of vaccines to be taken. This is a necessity because of the presence of different variants across the globe. 

According to some medical experts, if some new variants or mutants of the virus spread or appear, an update has to be made in the present vaccines. As they might not pose to be very effective for other variants. 

Any confirmation regarding the fact that the two doses can be taken from different brand types of the vaccine has also not been made. Research on the same is also in process. However, if possible it is advised to take two doses of similar vaccines.

Why Is The Duration of Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccine Uncertain?

The vaccines that are provided and have been made recently target a specific type of spike protein. So far, these vaccines are known to protect people for 6 months, which is still not certain. 

The research and tests on these vaccines have been carried out in three phases but not for years, due to the urgent availability requirement in the pandemic. 

But, antibodies of this virus are present in the vaccine to make the immune system aware of its presence and get them used to fighting against it. Therefore, in the future, a similar encounter with the same types of the virus may or may not activate these antibodies to fight off these intruders. The Pfizer vaccine trials have shown that the vaccine is effective for at least 6 months. 


Despite the uncertainties in the period of effectiveness of the vaccine, the doses have turned out to be useful and efficient in treating the patients and building their immune system against the virus spread. 

These vaccines have passed the tests of the national regulators and have been distributed worldwide, therefore, a level of trust has to be maintained and you must encourage others too to take the vaccines. 

If the vaccine turns out to be effective for a shorter period then either more shots will be provided, or another version of the vaccine will be made available that can fight other variants too. Either way, you will be protected and your safety will not be compromised by the government 

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COVID-19 Vaccine: What To Do About Side Effects?

What Happens If The Gap Between Two COVID-19 Vaccine Doses Exceeds?

COVID-19 Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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