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Why To Own A Top Up Health Insurance Plan?

While purchasing a health insurance policy, people usually ignore the inclusions and exclusions in their plans, which can put them in a helpless state while making claims. Sometimes, it happens that your pre-existing conditions and demands are not included in the standard policies that are sold by various insurers. In such cases, you have to get your policies customized by including top-up plans or add-ons which provide extra coverage at affordable prices. 

Various top-up plans like critical illness plans, maternity covers, and many more. These can be specified according to your needs and bought accordingly. They cover expenses after the threshold limit or the deductibles, which makes them cheaper than regular health insurance plans.

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Why To Own A Top Up Health Insurance Plan? 

What Is A Top-Up Health Insurance Plan?

Top-up health insurance is a plan that supplements your existing health insurance cover. Sometimes, if you think that your existing sum assured is not sufficient then you can buy top-up health insurance and add an extra limit to it.  Also, based on your deductibles, the premium of your top-up plan is decided. These top-up plans can cover critical illness, maternity covers, hospitalization expenses, daycare procedures, etc. Following are some of the standard features of a top-up plan: 

  • It can be easily converted into a health insurance policy when needed. 
  • On certain plans, a family discount is also provided. 
  • A Free-look period of 15 days is made available from the date of purchase of the policy. 
  • A policy can be issued for 1 to 2 years of the period depending on the insurer. 
  • Lifelong renewability of the policy is also offered in case of a top-up plan. 
  • Tax deduction benefits are assured under section 80D of the Income Tax Act. 
  • There are no limitations on hospitalization costs or room rents. 

Benefits of A Top-Up Health Insurance Plan 

A Top-up health insurance plan not only suffices your existing plans but also saves you from huge expenses. Below are some more points to add to its list of benefits:

  • It covers more and above the basic health insurance policy. It also provides you a financial backup in case of an emergency. 
  • The release from financial burden gives the patient peace of mind. This will also protect you against exhaustion while claiming the sum assured. 
  • Top-up plans come at an affordable price so that they are accessible to all sections of society. 
  • You can get coverage against your pre-existing illnesses. Family diseases like diabetes and hypertension are also included. 
  • For people aged more than 55 years, a pre-medical check-up is not necessary. 

Coverage of A Top-Up Health Insurance Plan

The benefits and coverage of a top-up health insurance plan differ from one company to another, but some common covers that can be included are: 

  • Pre and post-hospitalization expenses 60 days prior and 90 days after the hospitalization respectively. 
  • Daycare procedure expenses for hospitalization of not more than a day. 
  • Organ donor expenses are also covered under this plan. 
  • Emergency on-road ambulance charges are also taken care of. 
  • A cumulative bonus is also provided at the time of policy renewal, in certain cases. 
  • Domiciliary expenses are covered as suggested by the doctor. 


Top-up plans cover almost all the hospitalization expenses, but should not be misunderstood with rider benefits. A rider plan can be bought only with the base plan however, it is not the case with the top-up plan. A top-up plan should be used when your hospital expenses exceed the deductible limit. It is the best way to fill the space between basic hospitalization and ongoing policies for individuals covered under single or group health insurance policies. It is considered to be one of the feasible options for people insured with different types of base plans. 

Also Read: Features and Benefits of Health Insurance Top up Plans

Top Up & Super Top Up Policies: A Fine Backup to Your Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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