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Why is Omicron Variant a Cause of Concern in India?

The coronavirus pandemic has thrown plenty of surprises in the way of the world. For almost two years now, it's causing widespread concern and devastation. What complicates matters more is that the virus keeps on developing new strains. The Omicron is the latest in the string of strains that have developed since the beginning of the pandemic. 

Why is Omicron Variant a Cause of Concern in India?

What is the Omicron Variant?

The Omicron variant is a coronavirus strain that has been recently detected. The Delta variant had already led to a surge of cases across the world when this new variant was detected in South Africa. Further investigation has indicated that the strain might have originally emerged in Europe before it was detected in South Africa. Since then, the variant has been detected in over 30 countries across the world, including India.

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The variant is extremely fast spreading and infecting people with rapidity which is why the international community is increasingly getting concerned. Although till now, the Omicron variant has not caused any deaths, the investigation process is still at a very early stage for conclusive statements, which is why it is crucial to be alert to this. Border control measures are already being tightened across the world. However, WHO officials have stated that it is simply not enough to rely on these measures as personal hygiene, social distancing regulations and such COVID measures should still be taken care of. 

Omicron Status in India

The Omicron variant has already been detected in India. Currently, over 20 people have been infected with this variant. This has been found in five states across the country, with the latest cases found in the nation capital, Delhi. The Omicron variant has mostly been found in those COVID patients who have recently come back to the country from abroad, and people who have come in contact with them. This is why it has become very important to track and trace the patients to prevent the virus from spreading more than it already has. People coming back from abroad are also requested to undergo tests before they enter the country for their safety as well as the safety of everyone at large. 

How Effective is the Vaccine Against the Omicron Variant?

The variant has just been discovered which is why in depth research on it is still ongoing. This is why it is important to take all possible measures, including the vaccine. The vaccine has been proven to reduce the chances of death from the virus, which is why it is important to get vaccinated as soon as possible. The rapid spread of the Omicron shows that it has probably some capacity to surpass the immunity that has been built by the general population till now. However, the vaccine will still offer some level of protection which is why no one should neglect it.


In the face of this new variant, we must stay alert now more than ever. Although it has not proven to be deadly till now, there is no telling what turn it might take. Fortunately, steps are already being taken in India which should be complied by all. It is also crucial to not panic and only subscribe to correct information for the safety and welfare of everyone concerned. There are official government portals as well as news agencies which can give regular updates on the situation. Prevention is always better than cure and so, we must stay on our toes.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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