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Why Buy Raheja QBE Health Insurance Plans?

Along with the uncertainties in life, life-threatening diseases due to changing climate and increasing pollution are making people more vulnerable to getting sick. You can take utmost care of yourself by maintaining a healthy diet or doing yoga or exercises, but you must always be ready for anything in the future. It is a responsible and wise step to invest in health insurance at the right age. You must purchase a good health insurance policy for yourself and your loved ones. This policy will cover your medical expenses at times of emergency and save you from draining your financial savings. 

There are numerous companies in the insurance market that offer attractive plans with extensive benefits to their policyholders. One such widely known firm is Raheja QBE General Insurance company, which provides a wide range of products to its customers. One such product is Raheja QBE Health Insurance, which covers the pre and post-hospitalization charges along with the daycare expenses of the individuals.  

Why Buy Raheja QBE Health Insurance Plans?

About Raheja QBE Health Insurance 

Raheja QBE Health Insurance is a tie-up between Rajan Raheja Group and QBE Insurance. They provide customized and comprehensive policies with maximum coverage to their customers. It provides a wide range of plans and policies like Cancer treatment policies to serve the customers with quality services. Let us look at some of the standard features of the Raheja QBE Health Insurance: 

  • The company has a network of 5000+ linked hospitals for cashless treatment facilities to its policyholders. 
  • The company covers COVID-19 treatments under their special short-term policies. 
  • They offer lifelong renewability of policies to their customers. 

Benefits of Raheja QBE Health Insurance

Raheja QBE Health Insurance offers a special set of benefits to its customers. Let us look at some of the beneficial features offered by Raheja QBE Health Insurance: 

1. Free Healthcare Check-Up

Raheja QBE Health Insurance provides free healthcare check-ups to its policyholders according to the mentioned schedules in their network hospitals. 

2. Smooth Portability Service

You can easily switch your health insurance policy to Raheja QBE Health Insurance if you are not satisfied with the services of your insurer. 

3. A Wide Range of Sum Assured

The company provides a good range of sum-insured to its customer. The amount ranges from Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs. 1 Crore. The amount may vary according to your requirement and pre-existing diseases if any. 

4. Lifelong Renewability Service

Raheja QBE Health Insurance offers its customers a lifelong service to renew their policy without any age restrictions.

5. Tax Benefits

Tax deduction benefits are made available on the premiums paid by the policyholders according to section 80D of the Income Tax Act.

Top Raheja QBE Health Insurance Plans

There is a long list of plans and policies that are offered by Raheja QBE Health Insurance, out of which some popular plans have been listed below, which are worth considering: 

  1. Raheja QBE Health QuBe Policy 
  2. Raheja QBE Health QuBe Super Top-Up Policy
  3. Raheja QBE Cancer Insurance Policy
  4. Raheja QBE Arogya Sanjeevani Policy

Inclusions In Raheja QBE Health Insurance Policies

Following is the list of incidents and inclusions in the policies offered by Raheja QBE Health Insurance:

  • The company included the expenses incurred due to in-patient hospitalization. 
  • It also covers the pre and post-hospitalization expenses of the policyholders. 
  • Domiciliary expenses are also covered under the policies by Raheja QBE Health Insurance. 
  • Road ambulance expenses in case of emergency can be included in the policy by the insurer. 

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Considering the above-mentioned benefits of Raheja QBE Health Insurance, it is a firm worth considering. You can purchase the policy either online through the official website of Raheja QBE Health Insurance or you may visit the nearest branch of the company to process the policy purchase offline. 

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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