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Who Should Not Take The COVID-19 Vaccine?

The COVID-19 vaccines have been proven to protect people from the virus and at the very least lower the severity of infections for those who contract the disease. With the alarming rates of infection and mortality across the country, everyone is eager to take the COVID-19 vaccine. However, due to shortages and the general limitations of distribution, this is being done in a staggered manner across the country. Moreover, since the entire situation is unprecedented, there are several questions surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine. In this article, we will answer a few common questions, including who should avoid the COVID-19 vaccine:

Who Should Not Take the COVID-19 Vaccine?

The following categories of people should avoid taking the COVID-19 vaccine:

  1. Those below the age of 18
  2. Pregnant or lactating women
  3. Anyone who experiences anaphylactic or allergic reactions to the vaccine.
  4. Anyone who has a delayed or immediate reaction anaphylactic or allergic reactions to vaccines, injectable therapy, pharmaceutical productions and/or food items.
  5. Those who have not completed at least 4-8 weeks since complete recovery from the COVID-19 disease.
  6. SARS-COV-2 patients who were given SARS-COV-2 monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma must wait at least 4-8 weeks after recovery to get the vaccine.
  7. Anyone who is hospitalized and/or severely ill should wait 4-8 weeks after they have completely recovered.
  8. Covishield should be administered with caution to those who have a history of coagulation or bleeding disorders such as thrombocytopenia i.e., abnormally low platelet count, clotting factor deficiency and coagulopathy.

Who Should Take the COVID-19 Vaccine?

The following categories of people can be administered the COVID-19 vaccines safely:

  1. People with a past history of SARS-CoV-2 infection and or RT-PCR illness.
  2. People with a history of chronic disease and morbidities, cardiac, neurological, pulmonary, metabolic, renal and/or malignancies.
  3. People with immunodeficiency, immuno-suppression, HIV. However, the response of people with these conditions to the COVID-19 vaccine may be lower.

Who Should Be Given Priority For the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Other than the healthcare and frontline workers in India who have already received the COVID-19 vaccine in India. The following categories of people should be given priority for the COVID-19 vaccine:

  • Senior citizens
  • People with comorbidities. This includes people with hypertension, diabetes, asthma, pulmonary, liver or kidney disease or chronic infections.

Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Compulsory?

The COVID-19 vaccine is not compulsory in India. However, it is advised that every individual who has the opportunity to get vaccinated should take it. The COVID-19 vaccine does not prevent people from getting the disease in all cases. However, it does significantly lower the severity of its symptoms which can be life-saving. Moreover, it is currently the most effective form of protection we have against the COVID-19 vaccine.

What are the Side Effects of the COVID-19 Vaccines?

Following are the side-effects of Covaxin:

  1. Swelling, redness and pain at the site of the injection
  2. Stiffness and weakness in the arm that received the injection
  3. Body aches
  4. Headaches
  5. Malaise
  6. Fever
  7. Rashes
  8. Nausea and/or vomiting

Following are the side-effects of Covishield:

  1. Tenderness at the injection site
  2. Warmth, pain, itching, swelling, bruising at the site of the injection
  3. Fatigue
  4. Chills and fever
  5. Nausea
  6. Muscle and joint pain
  7. Lump at the injection site
  8. Temporary flu-like symptoms- runny nose, sore throat and cough.

When Should One Contact the Doctor About the COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects?

All the above-mentioned symptoms of the COVID-19 vaccine are meant to be mild to moderate. To manage the discomfort you can contact your doctor for over the counter medication. However, if these conditions seem to worsen over 24 hours after the vaccination or seem worrisome to you in any way contact the doctor immediately. Those who experience allergic reactions have symptoms within the first 15-30 mins of the administration of the vaccine. Every person is kept under observation for this period. Hence, there will be professional medical help in such cases. However, if there is a delayed allergic reaction, make sure to contact emergency medical services as soon as possible.

Must Check: Can I Donate Plasma After COVID-19 Vaccination?

Is The Covid Vaccine Safe In The Long Term?


In a nutshell, the above-mentioned guidelines should make it clear whether or not you or your loved ones should be taking the COVID-19 vaccine. If you have a history of illness or have any further doubts about the vaccine make sure to clear them with your doctor before getting it. Secondly, if it is safe for you to take the vaccine it is advisable to take it. It is the best form of protection we have against the COVID-19 virus at the moment.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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