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Which One Is A Better - Top Up or Super Top Up Health Insurance Policy?

With the ongoing pandemic of the coronavirus, it is evident that life is full of unforeseen events and you must have some financial backup to deal with the medical emergencies, as due to the rise in inflation the cost of treatments can drain your financial savings. To help the people against the high cost of medical expenses, the health insurance providers offer health insurance policies with benefits like hospitalization expenses, tax benefits, ambulance charges, room rents, healthcare checkups, etc. You must invest in a suitable health insurance plan after analyzing your requirements and demands, especially in the case of medical history, critical diseases, pre-existing diseases, etc.

Insurers have rolled out additional covers like top up plans and super top up plans to help the customers pay the medical expenses which exceed the threshold limit of the base health insurance plan. These plans have a similar motive which is to provide aid when the sum assured for the base plan exhausts, but the working basis of these plans are different. Under a top up plan, the customer can make only a single claim while in case of a super top up plan multiple hospitalization claims can be made by the policyholder in a policy year.

Which One Is A Better - Top Up or Super Top Up Health Insurance Policy?

Differences In A Top Up And Super Top Up Health Insurance Plan

Let us look at the factors on which the top up health insurance plans differ from the super top up health insurance plans:

1. Working Basis

The top up plan works on the basis of a single hospitalization claim of the customer while a super top up plan works on the multiple hospitalization claims basis in a policy year.

Must Read: Best Top Up Health Insurance Plans In The Market

2. Number of Claims

A top up plan considers only a single claim made by the customer in a year, however, the super top up considers multiple or aggregate claims in a policy year, made by the customers.

3. Deductible Payment

For a top up health insurance plan, the deductible is paid for each claim made by the customer while in the case of a super top up plan multiple claims can be made on a single deductible payment made by the policyholder.

The deductible limit for the health insurance plans is specified by the insurer and can be chosen by the customers based on their financial budget. A deductible is a limit set by the insurer as it is the amount which is borne by the policyholder.

Which One Is Better Top Up Or Super Top Up Health Insurance Plans?

Following are the features of the top up and super top up health insurance plans which are available for the customers after the purchase of the respective plans:

1. Top Up Health Insurance Plans

Let us look at some of the features of top up health insurance plans:

  • It can easily be converted into a basic individual health insurance plan.
  • There is no sub limit on the expenses like room rents, doctors consultation, etc.
  • Free look period of 15 days is offered to the customers for the perusal of the policy terms.
  • Lifetime renewability of services is provided and policy tenure varies from 1 to 3 years.

2. Super Top Up Health Insurance Plans

Let us look at some of the common features of super top up health insurance policy:

  • It can be bought on an individual basis or on a family floater basis.
  • It does not have restrictions on the expenses like room rents, etc.
  • It can deal with multiple claims in a year with a single deductible payment.
  • Lifetime renewability of the policy is offered and the policy tenure can be chosen by the customer.

From the above features, you may observe that both the types of health insurance plans have similar sets of features apart from the number of claims permitted under a certain plan. Therefore, it is advisable that, people who have no risk of critical or terminal diseases but need an extra coverage must invest in a top up plan, while people who have a medical history or have to visit the hospitals frequently due to their treatments, must go for a super top up health insurance plan.


The choice of investing in a particular health insurance plan must be made after considering several necessary factors and analyzing your requirements. You must read the policy terms carefully during the free-look period to understand the inclusions and exclusions of your plan.

Also Read: Top Up vs Super Top Up Health Insurance Policy

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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