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Which Health Insurance Plans Offer Comprehensive Coverage?

Health insurance policies are chosen after considering several factors like the sum assured under the plan, features, coverage, premium rate, lifetime renewability, tax deductions, deductibles, co-payment clause, and a lot more. Therefore, when looking for a suitable health insurance policy for yourself and your family, you consider several options but the one that is comprehensive and affordable catches most of the eyes. The wide and extensive coverage of a health insurance policy is something that makes it worth every penny for the policyholders. Usually the coverage of the policies is the same but some insurance providers stand out in the competition and offer unique and exclusive benefits to the customers at an affordable price. 

A comprehensive health insurance policy is the one that offers wide and extensive coverage to the customers at a negotiable price. It covers a lot of medical expenses under the plan for an affordable amount of money. A comprehensive plan can include medical expenses like inpatient costs, ambulance charges, room rents, domiciliary expenses, medication costs, consultation charges, healthcare check-ups, pre and post-hospitalization expenses, and a lot more. You also get an option to include other covers like maternity benefits, personal accident cover, critical illness plan, etc. in your existing policy at a good price. 

Which Health Insurance Plans Offer Comprehensive Coverage?

Top Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans To Buy 

Let us look at some of the comprehensive health insurance plans that have a lot of benefits and features to offer to its customers: 

1. Bajaj Allianz Health Guard Individual Plan 

This health insurance policy is for individuals and covers their medical expenses incurred during hospitalization. It includes 60 days of pre-hospitalization and 90 days of post-hospitalization expenses of the customers. It provides around Rs. 1000 for the ambulance charges in case of an emergency. After a minimum of 24 hours of hospitalization, the cover pays for 130 daycare treatments. Other benefits like lifetime renewability of policy and tax deduction benefits are also offered to the policyholders. 

2. ManipalCigna ProHealth Plus Insurance Policy 

It is a comprehensive health insurance plan meant to cover an entire family and comes with attractive features for the customers. At the time of emergency it provides financial aid to the policyholder throughout the world with its wide coverage and inclusions like maternity benefits and bonus. The insurer offers one free health checkup annually to its policyholders of age 18 years and above. This plan can be purchased for individuals of all age groups with no restrictions and the assured sum ranges from Rs. 4.5 Lakhs to Rs. 50 Lakhs. 

3. Cholamandalam Individual Healthline Insurance Plan 

This health insurance policy comes in three different variants to provide a wide choice to the customers to choose from according to their needs and requirements. No pre-medical health checkups are required for applicants below the age of 55 years under this policy. You can avail cashless claim benefits in up to 2,500 network hospitals of this insurer and avail 141 daycare treatment costs for a minimum hospitalization of 24  hours. Under section 80D of the Income Tax Act, it also provides tax deduction benefits on premium payments to the policyholders who are also the taxpayers. 

4. Max Bupa Companion Policy

This health insurance policy offers a comprehensive cover of up to Rs. 1 Crore and is available for individuals, couples, nuclear and extended families. To provide additional coverage to the individuals it offers exclusive top-up plans at an affordable price and allows lifetime renewability of policy to the policyholders. Cashless claim settlements and tax deductions are other benefits that are offered by the insurer to the policyholder. 

5. Reliance Critical Illness Plan 

This plan compensated for the medical expenses incurred due to the hospitalization due to treatment of critical disorders. Ths assured sum under this policy ranges from Rs. 5 Lakh to Rs. 20 Lakh. You can buy this health insurance cover with a minimum age limit of 18 years and above. It offers lump sum payment to the customers at the time of a medical emergency thus supporting the individuals financial needs. The policy tenure of this policy ranges from 1 to 3 years. 


There are a lot of comprehensive health insurance plans that are available in the insurance market for the individuals. You can research and compare the features and coverage of various plans to get the suitable policy for yourself and your loved ones. 

Also Read: Comprehensive Health Insurance Vs Critical Illness Plan

Health Insurance Portability: A Comprehensive Guide

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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