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Which COVID-19 Vaccine Should I Get?

The spread of the deadly coronavirus has led people to become extra precautious about their health and life. Due to the unavailability of the proper healthcare treatments and high cost of hospitalization, a lot of people lost their loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic. Several health insurance providers extended their policy covers to include coronavirus coverage for the policyholders and their family members. Vaccines have been introduced in a short period of time for the betterment of the people around the globe, by the healthcare industry. Since the vaccines were rolled out in a short period of time and immediate large vaccine drives were conducted by the government of various countries, several speculations and doubts regarding the working of the vaccines and their efficiency have been raised.

Lately, a lot of people have been misinformed about the different types of vaccines that are available in the market and it has led them to not get vaccinated. This has posed a lot of problems lately as it is a matter of public safety. This contagious and life-threatening virus is responsible for the untimely deaths of a lot of people in the world. Therefore, vaccination not only prevents a particular individual against the attack of the virus but also ensures the safety of the people around them. Different medical brands have rolled out different vaccines; however, they serve the same purpose of protecting the individuals against the attack of the coronavirus.

Which COVID-19 Vaccine Should I Get?

About COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines were produced in a short period of time and are under constant evaluation under the supervision of the medical and research experts. COVID-19 vaccine helps the body in building an immune system that can recognize and fight against the coronavirus antibodies. The common side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines include mild fever, chills, body pain, fatigue, etc. which are quite common among a large population in the world. The vaccines in our country are provided in two doses which must be taken on time as recommended by the medical experts. Even after taking the vaccine, it is advised to follow the precautionary measures and guidelines of the government, as there are different variants of COVID-19 which can attack the human body. Let us look at some of the prominent benefits of COVID-19 vaccines:

  • It prevents the people from getting attacked by COVID-19 and avoids the untimely death due to the virus attack.
  • It stops the spread of the coronavirus from one person to the other as it is contagious and a respiratory illness.
  • It stops the COVID-19 virus from mutating or replicating thus producing new variants and spreading across.

Must Read: Importance of Health Insurance During COVID-19 Times

Which COVID-19 Vaccine Should I Get?

Currently there are four different brands of vaccine that are being circulated in our country namely Covidshield, Covaxin, Sputnik, and Moderna. All the vaccines have passed the verified tests and trials of the WHO before getting circulated among the individuals for their regular use. Covidshield is a viral vector vaccine that delivers the spike proteins in the human body to develop an immunity among the patients to fight against the antibodies of the coronavirus. The efficiency rate of all the four vaccines is nearly the same and at the present moment it is important to get vaccinated regardless of the vaccine that you choose.

The efficiency rates of all the vaccines seem to drop against the delta variant of the coronavirus. The vaccines are under continuous upgradation and evaluation, and therefore, it has not been advised for children, pregnant women, and people with chronic diseases. All the vaccines that are presently available in the market are efficient and equally responsive towards a variant of the coronavirus. Therefore, you must not get misled by the myths and speculations made by unauthorized sources. You can take recommendations and advice regarding the choice of vaccine from your doctor, as medical experts can guide you well.


The need of the hour is to stop the spread of the coronavirus among a large population and for that it is necessary for all the individuals to take their vaccines on time and follow the government released guidelines for protection against the coronavirus.

Also Read: All You Need To Know About COVID-19 Vaccines

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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