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When Should You Consider Porting Health Insurance Policy?

Health insurance portability is when the insured decides to move to another health insurance policy, by keeping the insurance company informed about the same. There can be various reasons why an individual chooses to switch to a different health insurance policy, some of which include high health insurance premiums, hassle at the time of claim settlement, insufficient coverage benefits, etc. To understand these situations in detail, read them below: 

When Should You Consider Porting Health Insurance Policy?

  1. When You Start Availing of Poor Services: There may be a time when your health insurance company stops providing services as it initially promised to. This is when you can think of not keeping up with it as you are unhappy. You may also not be happy with the claim settlement process and hence come to a conclusion of switching to a new health insurance policy. 

    Also Read:  Benefits of Porting Your Health Insurance Plan 

  2. When You are not Getting Additional Coverage: In case your existing health insurance company is not offering you sufficient cover, maybe due to underwriting limitations for some health issues that may concern you, or may want to get additional coverage as there is a new dependent to be added, or if another insurance company is offering you enhanced coverage, then you should consider health insurance portability. 
  3. You are Getting a Better Option: You may get a better health insurance policy in terms of age capping for renewability, premium, limit on room rent, co-payment clause, and so on. You can port your health insurance policy if you find a health insurance policy with similar benefits but at a lesser premium. 
  4. Policy Documents are Unclear: There may be some hidden clause in a policy document that you may not be aware of at the time of policy purchase. You may want to port your health insurance policy after you get to know about the clause. It is recommended to port your health insurance policy in this case as when making claims, these clauses may create hassle in case of an emergency, which may be hard to handle. 


Portability is a useful feature in health insurance plans. So, before you decide which health insurance policy to buy, you must check if it allows portability. For instance, you must be informed that you can port from an individual health insurance policy to a family floater health insurance policy, but not from an indemnity-based health insurance policy to a critical illness policy.  

Must Read: Porting Health Insurance Policies-All You Need to Know

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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