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What Should I Know About Health Insurance Before Buying It?

As there are a lot of firms selling health insurance policies in India, selecting one can really become a daunting task. Apart from a lot of plans to choose from, intimidating jargon which otherwise are called as policy wordings add to the confusion. While buying health insurance is a tough choice, there are a few factors you should consider when zeroing down on a plan. 

What Should I Know About Health Insurance Before Buying It?

Things To Consider Before Buying A Health Insurance Policy

Below are the 10 things to consider before purchasing health insurance:

  • Claim Process

The simpler the claims process and the faster the settlement of the claims, the better it is for the insured. Therefore, these two are major factors when it comes to the selection of a policy. Good customer support is an additional advantage one should look for.

  • Family Health Insurance

When purchasing health insurance plans, make sure that you do so keeping your family members and their age in mind. Before buying the insurance, consider their present ailments if any as well as the family’s medical history. In addition, check with your family members for any pre-existing diseases before buying a policy.

  • Selecting the right insurance amount

At the time of selecting a health insurance plan, one should select the amount wisely as it covers the medical expenses for a year. Take your age into account; the younger you are, lower the sum insured you need. One should also take a look at his or her income levels to analyse the premium affordable. Another vital aspect is the add-ons for they impact premium amounts. Make sure you choose a sum insured which won’t fall short in case of an emergency and whose premium is not too exorbitant.

  • Network hospitals

One should always check the cashless network of hospitals  with the insurance company. At the time of a medical emergency or hospitalization, the hospitals in the network offer a cashless option—the insurer settles the medical bills directly with the insurer. 

  • Maternity benefits

With medical expenses on the rise, pregnancy costs have skyrocketed as well. It is vital for women to buy a health insurance plan that offers maternity benefits. For maternity benefits, one should look into the waiting period applicable for claiming maternity expenses and consider the sub-limit. The policy should also cover outpatient expenses and check for exclusions related to the policy.

  • Pre/post hospitalization

Before hospitalization, you visit the doctor, get medicines, and undergo tests. You are hospitalized and after treatment, some expenses incur—the expenses include follow up with the doctor, medicines to be taken and many others. Choose an insurance plan which covers these aspects too.

  • Lifetime Renewal

Look for health policies which offer lifetime renewability. There is a higher chance of suffering from diseases and illnesses when you are old compared to when you are young—a health policy which offers lifetime renewability is what you should buy.

  • Free Medical Check-up

You should look for a policy which insures the person for a free medical check-up. However, this does not affect the premium when policies undergo renewal


A medical insurance plan is your best help during times of medical emergencies. Consider these 10 points before you buy one.

Also read- What Is Capping In Health Insurance?

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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