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What Is White Fungus? Why Is It Deadlier Than Black Fungus?

During the second wave of COVID-19, a deadly fungal infection Black Fungus was declared an epidemic in some states of India. But, now there are reports of an even deadlier and life-threatening fungal infection being the cause of death of many. This fungal infection is the White Fungus. 

White fungus or Aspergillosis has affected around 1500 people within the continent and is known to cause more deaths than black fungus. With the spike in the cases of this fungal infection, the nation has become highly stressed. 

What Is White Fungus?

White Fungus is a fungal infection caused by the Mucormycetes, which are already present in the environment as well as in our body. These groups of molds attacks the lungs and several other parts of our body. If not treated on time, it becomes lethal and over time, affects the vital organs like the respiratory system, digestive tract, etc. 

Who Is At The Risk of Contracting White Fungus?

According to medical experts, the white fungus is targeting individuals with chronic health conditions and weak immunity. The people who are immunocompromised, or have weak immunity are at a larger risk. Diabetic patients and patients who are on long steroids are also adversely affected by the white fungus. 

Some people’s immune system is not strong enough to fight the pathogens like white or black fungus, as a result of which they become vulnerable to such diseases.

Fungal infections usually occur due to the absence of a clean environment and the presence of humidity or moisture. Therefore, COVID-19 patients who use humidifiers, especially unclean ones, are also within the range of the infection.

Symptoms of White Fungus

Symptoms of white fungus are quite common to that of the COVID symptoms. While other symptoms include:

  • Whitening of tongue 
  • Cough
  • Chest pain
  • Breathlessness
  • Fewer oxygen levels 
  • Diarrhoea 
  • Headache
  • swelling

Why is White Fungus Deadlier Than Black Fungus?

White fungus is known and has been reported to affect more vital organs of the human body like the lungs, nail bed, skin, reproductive organs, kidney and brain. 

The patients suffering from white fungus show COVID like symptoms but, on the test result negative. They can be diagnosed or detected using X-Rays or CT scans.

It starts originating from the tongue and the private parts and then spreads to the different internal parts of the body like lungs, kidney, food pipe, intestines, etc.

According to reports, in its first case during the coronavirus pandemic, the white fungus create holes in the small and large intestines of the patient, and after hours of surgery, you must seek the holes in the intestines were closed.  

Prevention of White Fungus

For white fungus too, Amphotericin B is the drug that is in use across the country. Some preventive measures to avoid the white fungal infection are:

1. Judiciously use steroids and regularly monitor blood sugar levels among COVID-19 and Diabetic patients. 

2. Maintain clean surroundings and stay away from wet waste like fruit and vegetable peels, faecal matter, decayed waste, etc., as there support bacterial and fungal growth.

3. Keep a check on the moisture and humidity levels as unclean humidifiers and moisture supports fungal growth leading to fungal infections. 

4. If you experience any COVID-19 symptoms or the symptoms mentioned above, do visit the doctor and get the required tests done, as any delay can lead to a mishap.

5. Eat food that enhances the body's immunity level. 


Day by day, there is a steep rise in the cases of fungal infections like the Black fungus and white fungus. It is highly advisable by the medical authorities to stay at home and avoid any unnecessary contact with the environment, due to the presence of several types of diseases. 

It is very important that you seek medical advice in case you experience any symptoms. Primary advice can be taken on call and if severe, you may visit the healthcare centers. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.


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