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What is the Price of COVID-19 Vaccination?

India, after noticing a drastic decrease in the number of Coronavirus positive cases in the beginning of 2021, is now yet again witnessing a massive surge in the new COVID-19 positive cases. The efforts by both the central and state government have been escalated further to make the vaccine reach out to a large number of people across the country, who are aged above 18 years in order to put a halt to the spread of Coronavirus altogether.

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About the COVID-19 Vaccines

The approval has been granted by the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) to the 2 native COVID-19 vaccines i.e. Covaxin and Covishield, which are being given to the citizens of India. Other than these 2 vaccines, approval has also been given to Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine by the centre as it is also believed to be highly potent and safe to use against the life-threatening COVID-19 illness. The three vaccines have been explained in detail:

  1. Covaxin

    This is an inactivated vaccine, which has been developed by Bharat Biotech. The vaccine has been made and tried on the dead coronavirus. These inactivated viruses are not potent to infect an individual yet they can make the immune system learn how to develop a defence mechanism against the active viruses against the body.
  2. Covishield

    Oxford-AstraZeneca developed the Covishield vaccine and it has been manufactured by the Serum Institute of India (SII). This vaccine is developed using a viral vector platform and from the weakened version of chimpanzee adenovirus (cold virus). Although, this cold virus is unable to infect the individual receiving the vaccine shot yet it can help the immune system in preparing a defence mechanism against any such similar viruses.
  3. Sputnik V

    This vaccine has been developed by Gamaleya Institute, Moscow. Here, a cold-type virus (harmless) is used as a carrier in order to deliver smaller fragments of the Corona Virus to the receiver’s body. Therefore, it safely exposes the body to a segment of the virus's genetic code, which allows21 it to recognize the threat and make the immune system learn to develop a defence mechanism to fight against it.

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Cost of COVID-19 Vaccine

As per the reports, while the cost of Covaxin is Rs. 600 for states and Rs. 1,200 for private hospitals, Covishield is priced at Rs. 400 for states and Rs. 600 for private hospitals.

Sputnik V is available at Rs. 995 including GST.

If getting vaccinated at a government hospital or vaccination centre, the COVID-19 vaccine will be administered free of cost.

Note: The prices of the vaccine differs from one hospital to another, and also within a city.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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