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What Is the Government's Strategy to Tackle Omicron Variant Of COVID-19?

The omicron variant is causing concern across the world and fear for a new wave. In India too, there has been mounting concern on what is the extent of this variant. Naturally, people are also looking at the government for answers to their various queries regarding this new variant.

What Is the Government's Strategy to Tackle Omicron Variant Of COVID-19?

The Emergence of the Omicron Variant

The omicron is the latest variant that has emerged from the coronavirus, which has been causing the COVID-19 pandemic for the past two years almost. First detected in South Africa only a few weeks ago, it has since then spread to over 30 countries across the world. Not only has it led to a surge of cases in South Africa itself, but spread rapidly to other nations as well. It might also have emerged in Europe and remained undetected till later. Being a very new variant, there is still very minimal information available on this variant which is why all information must be taken slowly and alertness must be developed towards any new findings. 

Observations till now have revealed that this variant might be 4.2 times more transmissible in its early stage than the Delta variant, the other variant that is currently causing infections. However, WHO officials have also stated that it is, in most probability, not capable of causing more severe infection than the Delta variant. It has also been stated that existing vaccines that were being given out should work fine against the omicron variant, as it has done against other variants as well.

Omicron Variant in India

In India, there have been reports of over 20 people suffering from COVID-19 and with the omicron variant. These patients have been found in five states across the country, including Karnataka, Gujarat, Rajasthan etc. The nation’s capital, Delhi, also detected its first few cases over the past week. The Omicron variant has mostly been found in those COVID patients who have recently come back to the country from foreign countries, and those who have come in contact with them.

What Is the Government's Strategy to Tackle Omicron Variant Of COVID-19?

Government officials have urged citizens to not panic due to the omicron variant but rather stay alert and diligent to the COVID-19 regulations. Symptoms from this variant are mild and so, possibilities of a lockdown are currently almost none. State governments are taking diligently into account, tracking, tracing and surveillance of infected individuals, especially those who have returned back to the country recently. Officials have also stated that they are undertaking studies to understand the nature of the resistance this variant has against the existing vaccines. However, WHO have also stated that the registered and existing vaccines are probably effective against the omicron variant.

It has been repeatedly emphasized by the government to follow COVID regulations such as use of sanitizers, social distancing and most importantly, wearing of masks. WHO has also stated that relying on traveling restrictions is not enough and everyone must continue to follow the regulations that have been imposed throughout the pandemic. India, too, has imposed traveling restrictions on international flights.


In light of this information that has been gathered, it is crucial that everyone follows all regulations diligently. Since investigations are still ongoing and major conclusions are yet to be reached, information on the omicron variant should be consumed with alertness. 

Also read: Vaccination Key to Battling Omicron: WHO

Status of Omicron Variant in India

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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