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What Is The Difference Between SBI Arogya Plus Health Insurance And Arogya Sanjeevani Health Insurance?

In 2010, the State Bank of India (SBI) and the Insurance Australia Group formed the SBI General Insurance Company as a joint venture (IAG). SBI Health Insurance Company offers a wide range of general insurance products, such as a vehicle, health, personal injury, travel, and home insurance. Non-life insurance options for commercial customers include fire insurance, marine insurance, aviation insurance, and liability insurance, among others. SBI Health Insurance provides complete coverage for the policyholder's hospitalization costs. SBI medical insurance policies cover in-patient hospitalization costs, pre-and post-hospitalization fees, day-care treatments, and a variety of other healthcare costs. SBI offers health insurance plans for older persons, individuals, corporations, and corporations, all of which have a variable policy premium term. Continue reading to learn more about SBI health insurance coverage.

What Is The Difference Between SBI Arogya Plus Health Insurance And Arogya Sanjeevani Health Insurance?

SBI Arogya Plus Health Insurance Policy Information

The Arogya Plus Policy from SBI General Insurance Company is a reputable medical insurance policy available to anyone who wants coverage for themselves and/or their family members. Under the floater option, you can insure yourself, your lawfully married spouse, and up to two children. The insurance has a predetermined premium, keeping your wallet light while providing much-needed financial protection against medical expenses incurred as a result of OPD or hospitalization. This insurance covers a range of healthcare expenditures, including in-patient hospitalization, OPD expenses, pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization charges, childcare expenses, ambulance expenses, AYUSH treatment expenses, domiciliary hospitalization expenses, maternity expenses, and so on. You will not be required to undergo any pre-policy medical testing if you are under 55 years old and have no medical history. Another benefit of being covered under this policy is that it includes a lifetime renewability feature, which means you may renew it with mutual approval from the health insurance company. A rapid, fair, and transparent claim system, a 30-day grace period, no departure age, and tax advantages on premium payments are among the other benefits (under Section 80D of the Income Tax act, 1961). In other words, it relieves you of the stress of budgeting so that all you have to worry about is receiving the best possible treatment and returning to health as soon as possible.

SBI Arogya Sanjeevani Health Insurance Policy Information

The Arogya Sanjeevani Policy from SBI General Insurance is a comprehensive health insurance plan that protects you financially in the case of a catastrophic illness or accident that necessitates hospitalization. This medical insurance coverage, available as an Individual or Family floater, gives financial security to everyone aged 18 to 65. This means you may buy a single policy that covers you, your spouse, your dependent children, your parents, and your parents-in-law. This insurance offers a range of sum insured options from Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 5 lakh. Policyholders who do not have a pre-existing condition do not need to have a health check-up until they are 45 years old, which is an advantage of getting this insurance. SBI Arogya Sanjeevani Policy covers pre and posts hospitalization expenses, AYUSH treatment, ICU expenses, cataract treatment, costs of medicines consumed during your hospital stay, daycare treatment, and modern treatments like Deep Brain Stimulation, Balloon Sinuplasty, Oral Chemotherapy, Intravitreal Injections, Robotic Surgeries, immunotherapy- Monoclonal Antibody to be given as an injection, and immunotherapy- Monoclonal Antibody to be Additional tax breaks are available under Section 80D of the Internal Revenue Code.

Take Away

SBI Health Insurance Plans are suitable for providing you and your family with complete coverage. SBI Health Insurance Plans protect your hard-earned money against rising medical costs by only a little fee.

Also read: Calculate Your Health Insurance Premiums With Premium Calculator Of InsuranceDekho

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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