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What Is The Difference Between Omicron And Delta Variant?

Back in 2020, children were going to school and working professionals traveled to their offices daily. However, one day, this picture completely changed with an entry of the COVID-19 virus in India. The schools were shut, and students were taking online classes; similarly, working professionals were working from home. Wait, the story does not end here! All individuals and families were locked in their homes to avoid the spread of this deadly virus. 

Somehow, after a year , the situation came under control. But, who knew that another COVID-19 variant was ready to play its part in our normal lives? There are two variants of COVID-19: Delta and Omicron variants. The new Omicron variant, which is developed from the Delta variant, differs not only in some ways but also in the symptoms. Read on to find out the difference between the Omicron and Delta variants. 

What Is The Difference Between Omicron And Delta Variant?

What Is the Coronavirus Omicron Variant? 

The Omicron variant was first reported in South Africa in November 2021. As per the report of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the omicron variant has exhibited a large number of mutations, especially 30 or more on the viral spike protein, which primarily targets the immune system of the human body. Some of the common symptoms of the Omicron variant include body aches, extreme tiredness, a scratchy throat, a dry cough, and headaches. In some cases, the omicron patient may suffer from a high fever.

What Is the Coronavirus Delta variant? 

The coronavirus delta variant was first identified in India. The Delta variant is reportedly more dangerous than the original COVID-19 variant. Some of the common symptoms of the delta variant include fever, cough, loss of taste and smell, headache, and extreme tiredness. Moreover, fully immunized individuals are still susceptible to infections, as infection can overcome the vaccine, which can spread the virus to others. 

How Is the Omicron Variant Different From the Delta Variant? 

The table below highlights the difference between COVID-19, the omicron variant, and the delta variant. 

Basis of Comparison

Omicron Variant

Delta Variant


Botswana in November 2021

India in December 2022


Less serious in comparison to the Delta and Delta Plus variants 

More intense, with a greater fatality rate.


Spreads more quickly than the Delta variant

Spreads more quickly than other variants (Alpha and Beta)


Contain 50 previously unseen mutations (30+ in the spike protein gene). Numerous spike protein mutations are considered to make it more contagious.

Emerged with over a dozen mutations and was initially considered as a double mutant due to two major mutations: L452R and E484Q.


  1. Sometimes no symptoms are exhibited. 
  2. Loss of taste or smell in some cases
  3. Night sweats 
  4. Scratchy and painful throat
  5. Rare breathlessness 
  1. Symptoms range from mild to severe. 
  2. Loss of taste and smell is a primary symptom. 
  3. Sometimes night sweats. 
  4. Sore throat is a common symptom
  5. Shortness of breath in most cases.

Vaccine Efficiency

The Covaxin vaccination booster is said to be effective against Omicron as well.

The majority of vaccinations offer protection against the Delta variant.

Final Thoughts 

In conclusion, COVID-19 was a horrific situation that led to several deaths. Mostly, senior citizens, people with diabetes and heart disease, weak immunization, and children below 13 years are affected. Mostly, both the omicron and the delta variants show the same symptoms. However, the severity of symptoms may differ. Therefore, you should know the exact difference between the omicron and the delta variant for proper diagnosis and prevention. 

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