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What Is The Definition Of A Comprehensive Health Insurance Policy?

If you define a comprehensive health plan, it can be termed as a health plan offering all-inclusive coverage that protects against various medical emergencies. These plans cover policyholders financially against numerous illnesses and other medical costs, such as hospitalization costs, day care procedure costs, ambulance charges, and so on.

What Is The Definition Of A Comprehensive Health Insurance Policy?

What Treatment And Facilities Are Covered Under Comprehensive Health Insurance Plans?

Comprehensive health care plans offer wide ranging coverage. To know all about comprehensive care meaning and its features, you can check the various coverage available as part of such plans. Here are some common protection available under comprehensive plans:

  • Pre and post hospitalization
  • In-patient costs of hospitalization
  • Day care Procedure
  • Organ donor costs
  • Domiciliary costs
  • OPD treatment costs
  • AYUSH Treatment costs
  • Emergency ambulance charges

There are multiple insurers offering varied comprehensive health insurance plans. So, it is advisable to compare different plans in terms of their benefits of coverage as well as premium rates before buying the best plan to suit your needs.

Importance of a Comprehensive Health Insurance Policy

With expensive medical care facilities and a sedentary lifestyle of people, having a health insurance plan is a must. Thus, it is important for everyone to have a comprehensive health insurance policy to take care of their various healthcare needs. A comprehensive health plan offers numerous benefits as mentioned below:

1. Extensive Coverage – With a comprehensive health plan, you can expect to enjoy a wide range of coverage. Some of the protection allowed under comprehensive policy include:

  • Coverage on in-patient hospital costs
  • Pre, post-hospitalization costs
  • Cost of availing service of ambulance
  • Day care procedure costs
  • AYUSH treatment Coverage
  • Organ donor charges
  • Domiciliary hospitalization charges
  • Maternity costs (covered after waiting period) etc.

2. Offer Protection for the whole family – When it comes to comprehensive plans, most such plans cover the whole family under one plan. So, you can protect your spouse, children and other dependents such as parents and spouses’ parents under the same policy.  These policies have sum insured available on floater or individual basis.

3. Outpatient Treatment – As compared to basic health policies, comprehensive plans allow coverage for OPD costs including OPD consultation fee that the insured incurs for visiting a doctor.

4. Coverage on pre-existing illnesses – Comprehensive health plans allow coverage for various pre-existing illnesses depending on particular plans. However, there is a waiting time of 2 years to 4 years before you could avail such benefits.

5. Riders/Add-ons  – Along with availing the standard coverage, comprehensive plans also offer different add-ons or riders. These riders can be purchased by the insured to extend the coverage of your health plan. Some such common riders that can be bought with a comprehensive health plan include:

  • Critical illness rider
  • Maternity rider
  • Rider on hospital cash on a daily basis
  • Rider on personal accident protection

6. Cashless Treatment Rider – Comprehensive health plans provide cashless medical treatment facilities to all its insurance holders under which all medical bills are paid by the insurer to the hospital. You just need to avail treatment in a hospital that comes under a network of the insurance company to avail this treatment.

7. Benefit of Cumulative Bonus –  Under a comprehensive insurance policy of your health, you can avail benefit of cumulative bonus, which is available for policyholders who do not make a claim during a policy year.


Now that you know what comprehensive health care means, it is always better to buy a comprehensive health insurance plan to ensure the good health of your own as well as of your family. Further, you can avail the best medical care at the best hospital without any worries of hospital bills. This way, you can make sure that your hard-earned money that you have saved doesn’t get depleted.

Also read- Is It Safe To Buy A Health Insurance Plan In India Online?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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