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What Is Health Insurance With High-Risk Cover?

Diseases and illnesses are unpredictable and can strike anyone at any time. Diseases and illnesses are not only unpredictable, but they can also be distressing because you must manage your health as well as your finances. It would be ideal if one knew ahead of time if they will be affected by an illness in the near future so that they could make the required preparations. But, regrettably, this isn't the case.

When a health issue arises, we don't always have a lot of time to manage our finances. This is why it is critical to have a solid health insurance policy. Health insurance provides a financial safety net for dealing with large hospital expenditures. In short, in such circumstances, a comprehensive health insurance policy proves to be a blessing. To know more about health insurance with high-risk covers, read on.

What Is Health Insurance With High-Risk Cover?

Importance Of Top-Up Plans In Health Insurance

In India, health insurance policies have exploded in popularity in recent years. The expense of medical care has steadily increased in tandem with advances in medical knowledge. Medical expenses are likely to rise, putting a strain on your savings and financial assets. However, it is sometimes observed that a single health insurance plan is insufficient, particularly in the case of a family floater, where the sum insured is shared by four members. In such cases, it's critical to either get two insurance or boost the amount covered. Health insurance firms have begun to provide top ups to supplement the basic policy in order to increase the sum covered or overall cover value.

Top-up health insurance policies are obviously designed to provide you with additional coverage in the event that your current policy becomes exhausted or insufficient for medical care. In a nutshell, a health insurance top-up plan is intended to supplement your current coverage. Most significantly, top-up plans may be obtained at a low cost without sacrificing anything. It's like the cherry on top of the pie, and it costs a little extra.

Ways To Purchase Health Insurance With High-Risk Cover

If you fall into the high-risk group, finding a health insurance plan can be difficult. Following are some of the best methods to purchase health insurance with high-risk covers -

  1. Certain insurance firms offer dedicated health insurance plans for specific illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and other medical problems, which provide coverage to those with these conditions.
  2. Insurance companies consider a variety of factors, including the amount and frequency of tobacco use, as well as consumption and addiction duration. If a policyholder decides to stop smoking, the insurance company may not charge an additional premium and will treat them as a non-smoker after a specific number of years.
  3. You can purchase a top-up policy that functions as an individual health insurance coverage. While a conventional health insurance policy reimburses expenses up to the set sum covered, a top-up plan provides coverage for medical expenses once the limit is reached. Top-up plans are reasonably priced since they include deductibles. Furthermore, it is important to obtain coverage for excessive medical expenses incurred as a result of illnesses or diseases not covered by the present medical insurance plan.


If you fall into the high-risk group, your insurance provider may take some precautions. These precautions, however, should not demotivate you as a consumer. Also, just as crucial as purchasing a health insurance coverage is fully disclosing any health-related information to the insurance company. This will save you time and money when it comes to settling your claim. It is therefore preferable to suffer later at the time of claim if you make full disclosure in your proposal form.

Do read - What Is Domiciliary Hospitalisation In Health Insurance Policies?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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