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What Is Ayushman Bharat Health Insurance?

Health insurance plans are of immense importance as in order to save their financial savings, the policyholders must have some financial backup in times of medical emergencies. Health insurance plans offer the much needed monetary support to the individuals at an affordable premium rate thus making sure that they receive quality treatment at the private hospitals without worrying about the monetary constraints. The Government of India has also rolled out certain schemes and plans for the betterment of the population. Under the PMJAY scheme, several health insurance plans were launched by the Prime Minister of India to support the rural and urban poors of the country in terms of medical support.

What Is Ayushman Bharat Health Insurance?

About Ayushman Bharat Health Insurance

Ayushman Bharat health insurance is a government sponsored health insurance scheme that aims to compensate for the medical needs of a large population of underprivileged families within the country with no limitations on age and size of family covered under the plans. With a claim amount of upto Rs. 5 Lakhs for each family per year, this plan works to offer the best medical facilities to the policyholders of this plan.

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Under this scheme you can receive cashless claim benefits at the public hospitals and linked private hospitals. It also provides paperless purchase and renewal of the health insurance plan, thus making it easy for the policyholders to undergo the procedures without visiting the public offices. It includes the basic costs of hospitalization, medications, etc. for all tertiary and secondary hospitalization expenses. Treatments like skull treatment, knee replacement, etc. are also covered under this government funded health insurance scheme.

Features of Ayushman Bharat Health Insurance

Following are some of the prominent features under a Ayushman Bharat health insurance plan:

  • This plan is a family floater scheme with around Rs. 5 Lakhs per family.
  • This plan has been introduced to help the people below the poverty line.
  • Under this plan, cashless claim benefits are offered at the public and network private hospitals.
  • It covers for the pre and post hospitalization period along with the transportation costs.
  • Specific pre-existing diseases are covered along with the daycare expenses of the policyholders.

Benefits of Ayushman Bharat Health Insurance Plans

Let us look at some of the common benefits that are available under the Ayushman Bharat health insurance for the policyholders:

  • Policyholders under this plan can get free of cost medical treatments across the subcontinent.
  • Policyholders get a wide range of surgical coverage under this plan.
  • This plan also compensates for the post hospitalization expenses of the policyholders.
  • The cost for the highest package is covered in case of multiple surgeries under this plan
  • Chemotherapy for around 50 different types of cancer is covered under the Ayushman Bharat health insurance plans. Both medical and surgical packages can be claimed at the same time in case of a medical emergency.
  • Follow up treatment coverage is also available for the beneficiaries of the Ayushman Bharat health insurance plans.

Inclusions Under Ayushman Bharat Health Insurance Plans

Let us look at some of the medical expenses that are included under the Ayushman Bharat health insurance plans:

  • Pre and post hospitalization expenditures are compensated under this plan
  • Cost of medicines and medical consumables are included
  • Room rents along with ambulance charges are covered
  • Both ICU and non-intensive care are a part of the plan
  • Food services for the policyholders are provided
  • Medical implantation services are included
  • Expenses due to diagnostic services are provided under this plan

The Ayushman Bharat health insurance plans are not available for people with monthly income more than Rs. 10,000, government employees, people with vehicles, people living in proper houses, people who own agricultural land, etc. The exclusions and eligibility under this plan can be understood by going through the policy terms and conditions.


The Ayushman Bharat health insurance plan aims to make sure that the people living in poverty get access to quality medical facilities. It makes sure that they receive basic medical treatments without worrying about the monetary constraints.

Also Read: What Is Domiciliary Treatment Cover In Health Insurance?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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