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What Are Top-Up And Super Top-Up Plans In Health Insurance?

Health insurance policies are purchased by the policyholder keeping in mind several considerations like the applicant's age, medical history, sum assured, coverage, pre-existing diseases, critical disorders, premium amount, benefits, and a lot more. One of the most important of these factors is the sum assured as it compensates for the medical expenses incurred and hence, should be sufficient. To ensure sufficient coverage the policyholder must be aware of their requirements and the financial budget. To add extra coverage to the existing plan of the customer, the insurance providers have rolled out health insurance covers like top-up and super top-up covers. 

Both top-up and super top-up plans serve a similar purpose of extending the coverage of the individuals but, still they differ in their features and benefits. The scope of both these covers is different. Both these covers differ on the basis of their claim settlement, coverage, and working basis. You can compare and research about the top-up and super top-up covers and then, choose the one that is comprehensive and affordable. 

What Are Top-Up And Super Top-Up Plans In Health Insurance?

Top-Up Health Insurance Plans 

A top-up health insurance plan looks after the medical dues of the patients beyond the deductible of an existing health insurance plan. This threshold limit is also known as the deductibles and top-up plan provides the compensation for the medical expense which has surpassed this threshold limit of the base health insurance plan. Under this cover you can get compensation for only one hospitalization. It covers the expenses of a single illness and considers only one hospitalization over the base limit of the purchased health insurance plan. Deductibles play a crucial part in deciding the premium rate of your top-up health insurance plan. Let us look at some of the prominent features of top-up health insurance covers:

  • These can easily be converted into basic health insurance plans 
  • It can be bought for an entire family including children
  • A free look period of 15 days is provided to the policyholders to go through the policy-related papers carefully
  • Lifetime renewability of services is offered to all the customers. 

Benefits of Top-Up Health Insurance Covers 

Following is the list of benefits that can be availed by the customers on their top-up health insurance cover: 

  • It provides financial support to the customers on their basic health insurance cover above the threshold limit. 
  • It gives the patient a peace of mind when seeking treatment without worrying about the high medical expenses that incur during hospitalization. 
  • It enhances the coverage of the policyholder at an affordable price. 
  • Policyholders can get a reduction in taxes according to the Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. 

Super Top-Up Health Insurance Covers 

Super top-up health insurance plans serve the same purpose as that of the top-up health insurance covers which is to add extra value to the existing health insurance cover. A super top-up health insurance covers medical expenses of multiple illnesses above the threshold limit of the base health insurance plan. It compensates for all the medical expenses above the threshold limit irrespective if it is of a single illness or multiple illnesses. Let us look at some of the popular features of super top-up plans that can be of use for the policyholders: 

  • It provides for the expenses above the deductible of the existing health insurance plan. 
  • Policyholders can receive cashless treatments in one of the network hospitals of the insurance providers. 
  • It also includes the COVID-19 cover to help the customers deal with the global pandemic. 
  • The cover can be purchased and renewed online without much effort. 

Benefits of Super Top-Up Health Insurance Cover 

Following is the list of benefits that can be availed by the customers on the purchase of a super top-up health insurance cover: 

  • It supplements the base health insurance plan with comprehensive coverage. 
  • It is cheaper than standard health insurance cover and its premium depends on the deductibles. 
  • Claims can be made for such covers when the base plan has reached its threshold limit. 
  • It allows multiple claims under a single super top-up health insurance cover. 


You can compare the top-up and super top-up health insurance cover and choose the ones that meet your requirements and are within the limits of your financial budget. You must carefully go through the policy-related documents to know the inclusions and exclusions of your policy. 

Also Read: Top-Up V/S Super Top-Up Health Insurance Policy

Top Up health Insurance and Mediclaim Policy Cover

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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