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What Are The Common Symptoms of COVID-19 In Children?

Elderly people were the target of the coronavirus in the first wave, and now the adults are a part of this vulnerable set, in the second wave. But, the children are thankfully out of the sphere and there aren’t many cases of children being reported. However, if any, the cases are milder and less life-threatening. 

In the rare cases around the world where children have suffered, the consequences have drastically resulted in great loss and despair. Therefore, it is necessary to take regulatory measures in order to protect your children from coronavirus disease. 

Can A Newborn Get Infected With COVID-19 Disease?

It has been observed by medical experts that in certain rare cases, the newborn is passed on the disease by the mother, who was infected. But, the probability of passing on the virus from the mother to the child is very rare. 

The doctors have reported that the newborns suffering from coronavirus have shown very mild symptoms of COVID-19 and have recovered easily. There have been very few cases, therefore, it is important that the pregnant woman takes extra precautions. 

Symptoms of COVID-19 Disease In Children

Children usually have mild symptoms of coronavirus and sometimes are asymptomatic. Therefore, in cases of symptomatic virus spread, let’s have a look at some common symptoms among children and newborns:

  • Cough 
  • Fever and chills 
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Muscle or body pain 
  • Breathlessness
  • Diarrhea 
  • Sore throat 
  • Headache 
  • Stomachache
  • Poor appetite 
  • Nausea or vomiting

It is important to note that children below the age of 1 year need special care and if they have pre-existing ailments like lung or kidney disorder, cancer, genetic or neurological disorders, etc., then they must be hospitalized, as there is a possibility of losing control over their health at home.

When To Hospitalize Your Child While Suffering From COVID-19

Due to the mild symptoms in children, they are usually advised by the healthcare experts to be under home isolation, but in certain cases and serious symptoms, they must be immediately rushed to a dedicated COVID-19 healthcare center. Let us look at these serious symptoms, observing which the child needs special medical care:

  • Difficulty in breathing 
  • Inability to hold down any liquids  
  • Difficulty in sleeping cycles 
  • Bluish lips 

Treatment For Children In Home Isolation For COVID-19 Disease

If the child has severe pneumonia or any other symptoms of coronavirus, then preferably the child must be admitted to a hospital in an ICU. However, in case of mild to moderate symptoms the child can stay in home isolation and adhere to the following steps:

  • Presence of a 24X7 caregiver or one of the parents for support
  • Monitor oxygen saturation levels. 
  • Maintain proper hydration and avoid overhydration 
  • Paracetamol 10-15  mg/kg/dose for fever
  • Make sure the child takes ample amount of rest 
  • Do not let your child touch unnecessary objects which might lead to contraction of the virus. 

Children Who Are At A Major Risk

Some children are at a higher risk of contracting the virus than the rest of the children, and they certainly need special medical care. These children include:

  • Kids who were born prematurely 
  • Those under the age of 2
  • The ones with health disparities 
  • Children with obesity and lung disorders 

These children need special attention and health care. 

How To Protect Your Children From The Spread of Coronavirus

It is important to note that the more people your children come in contact with, the more is the risk of contracting the virus. Therefore, follow the measures below to protect your children:

  • Make sure the children maintain an appropriate distance from people 
  • Keep your children away from in-person play and make sure that they wear their masks 
  • The children should stay away from the people who are vulnerable and are at risk of contracting the virus 


Any negligence or irresponsibility with respect to the child's health care can have drastic consequences. Since the vaccines for children have not rolled out yet, therefore they must be protected well. Also, if there are any signs or symptoms, it is important that you seek immediate medical advice.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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