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What Are The Common Symptoms of COVID-19?

With the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic raging in India, everyone must have a basic understanding of the disease. In this article, we will talk about the symptoms that have been identified in patients with COVID-19 so you can assess the situation in your own case. The best way to deal with COVID-19 is to follow every prescribed safety method and if you get COVID to take the required medication and care as early as possible.

What Are The Common Symptoms of COVID-19?

What are the Most Common and Mild Symptoms of COVID-19?

Following are the most commonly recognized symptoms of COVID-19:

  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Dry Cough
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Body Aches
  • Mucus or Phlegm

These symptoms usually begin to surface between 2 to 14 days of contracting the virus. Moreover, many people have also shown certain other symptoms including sore throat, headache. Chills, loss of taste, congestion, nausea and diarrhoea.

What to Do If You Show These Common COVID-19 Symptoms?

The following are the steps you should take if you or someone near you is showing common COVID-19 symptoms:

Step 1: Contact your doctor and inform them about your symptoms. You will need to get tested. Hence, make the necessary arrangements for it.

Step 2: Inform the doctor once your test results have come in. Depending on your severity of symptoms the doctor may or may not prescribe medication.

Step 3: In cases where the symptoms are restricted to the upper respiratory tract, with symptoms such as sore throat, cough etc. without any shortness of breath or hypoxia the patient should stay in home isolation and care.

Step 4: In such cases, make sure to maintain physical distance, wear a mask indoors and maintain strict hand hygiene. Make sure to monitor the temperature and oxygen saturation of the patient. This can be done by applying a SpO2 probe to one’s finger.

Step 5: Make sure to stay in contact with the treating physician.
Important: Make sure to seek help immediately if you or the patient experiences difficulty in breathing, high-grade fever or cough especially if it lasts for more than 5 days. In case the patient has any high-risk features make sure to be extra vigilant.

What are the Moderate Symptoms of COVID-19?

Most chances of showing moderate symptoms are for those who have underlying health issues. The first sign that someone has moderate symptoms of COVID1

  • Shortness of Breath - even when not engaging in any activity.
  • Dehydration
  • Mild Symptoms of Pneumonia
  • High-Grade Fever- especially, for long periods.
  • Oxygen Saturation between 90-93% on room air

What are the Severe Symptoms of COVID-19?

In one of five patients, there are chances of their conditions worsening. They will experience breathlessness and their oxygen saturation levels fall below the 90% mark. In such cases, the patients require supplemental oxygen and will in most cases need to be admitted to the ICU. They will be closely monitored and provided with the assistance required depending on their symptoms. In very severe cases it can lead to stroke, respiratory failure, failure of other organs and for some even death.

What to Do If You Show Moderate or Severe COVID-19 Symptoms?

Following are the things you must do if you have moderate or severe symptoms of COVID-19:

Step 1: Contact the physician handling your treatment. Inform them about your shortness of breath and other symptoms. If you have any health issues that increase your risks make sure to inform them about this early on.

Step 2: If the conditions are severe enough the doctor will suggest you get admitted to the hospital ward or ICU as required.

Step 3: Here the doctors will provide the required support to the patient depending on their symptoms. In most cases, they provide constant monitoring and oxygen support. However, some people may also need anti-inflammatory or immunomodulatory therapy, anticoagulation.

Step 4: In most cases, the patient recovers enough to be discharged from the hospital within a span of 2-4 weeks.

Also Read: Guide To COVID-19 Vaccination - All Questions Answered

Covid-19 Vaccination: Difference Between Covaxin And Covishield Vaccines

Take Away

The above-mentioned points will help you discern the severity of the symptoms being experienced by you or those around you if they contract the COVID-19 disease. Make sure to contact your doctor and stay in touch with them the entire time to ensure you receive the right treatment. It is also important to remain positive. Most people, 80% only experience mild to moderate symptoms and recover in time.

You May Also Check: Covid-19 Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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