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What Are the Benefits of HDFC ERGO Health Insurance?

The HDFC ERGO General Insurance Plan protects you against medical bills by providing financial assistance. Because of the escalating expense of health-related medical services, health insurance, and medications, having a health insurance plan is critical. HDFC ERGO General Insurance Policies offer a wide range of comprehensive indemnity, mediclaim, fixed benefit, top-up, and critical illness plans.

Features of HDFC Ergo Health Insurance

The following are some of the benefits of acquiring an HDFC Ergo health insurance plan:

  • High Claim Settlement Ratio - In the fiscal year 2019-20, HDFC Ergo General Insurance had an exceptional claim settlement ratio of 86.52 percent. More than 1 crore clients have put their faith in the insurance because of its consistent, simple, and reasonable service.
  • Customer Assistance - HDFC Ergo General Insurance's customer support team is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The company's in-house claims staff works around the clock to give its clients a hassle-free claim experience and help in times of need.
  • Good Track Record - For the past 16 years, HDFC Ergo General Insurance has been meeting the insurance demands of its consumers.

Benefits shared by all HDFC Ergo Health Insurance Plans

The following are some of the benefitsof HDFC Ergo General Insurance's health insurance plans:

  • No Medical Test Up to 45 Years: If you are fit and healthy, you may enrol in majority of HDFC Ergo General Insurance's health insurance products without having to undergo any medical exams. Please keep in mind that this function is only available to those under the age of 45.
  • Free Renewal Health Check-up: Policyholders of HDFC Ergo General Insurance's health insurance policies are entitled to a free health check-up within 60 days after renewing their policy with the insurer.
  • No Entry Age Restrictions: All persons above the age of 18 are eligible to purchase health insurance policies from HDFC Ergo General Insurance. The insurance provides policies for people of various ages.
  • Lifetime Renewability: The health insurance policies offered by HDFC Ergo General Insurance are renewable indefinitely. As a result, you do not need to leave them.
  • Tax Benefit: Tax deductions are available under all HDFC Ergo health insurance policies under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. This tax break is available on both individual and family floater health plans that cover you, your spouse, dependent children, and parents.
  • Cashless Treatment: HDFC Ergo policyholders get access to cashless medical treatment at their registered network hospitals. A cashless facility eliminates the need for a policyholder to arrange funds to pay hospital costs because the insurance company covers the medical bill directly with the hospital. Over 10,000 hospitals are registered with HDFC Ergo across the country.
  • Health Check-Ups: In India, most health insurance companies offer free preventive health check-ups to policyholders at regular intervals based on the terms and conditions of the health insurance policies.


HDFC Ergo General Insurance Company takes a customer-centric strategy by offering 24x7 support over the phone for settling health insurance claims. In addition, they provide digital insurance purchasing choices to their consumers, which is simple and requires no involvement from agents. If you are 18 years of age or older, you are eligible to purchase a health insurance plan from HDFC Ergo without any restrictions. They give health insurance to people of all ages through their health plans.

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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