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Visible Drop in Health Insurance Offline Sales Due To COVID-19 Impact

Unlike the online health insurance sale is witnessing spurt during the novel coronavirus pandemic, the offline sales of health insurers have dropped due to the impact of coronavirus. Those dealing in the traditional method of selling health insurance policies are experiencing a sharp fall due to the lockdown. 

The insurance companies and the agents that meet customers physically to sell their health insurance products are witnessing a sharp decline in their sale. The reason is the ongoing lockdown across the country.

However, the online sales of health insurance policies are witnessing growth in the sale. With the number of positive cases of COVID-19 is increasing, people realize the importance of health insurance and buy health plans. 

The online mode allows them to compare different health insurance policies, get the best quotes and choose a plan as per their requirements without going out of their house. 

In addition, the launch of coronavirus insurance policies and the insurers’ commitment to providing their customers with the best possible service and support in this tough time is also an added benefit for online customers.
In general, the health insurance industry witnesses increases in the sales of health insurance plans as people choose to invest in health insurance during this period to save tax. Ranging from health insurance companies to brokers and aggregators, every company dealing in the health insurance industry has witnessed a higher growth in March as compared to February month when corona has not spread. 

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