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Vegan Diet May Result in Poorer Bone Health, Finds Study

A new study determined bone health of people following a vegan diet and individuals following a mixed-food diet with the use of an ultrasound measurement of the heel bone. The findings of the study showed that individuals following a vegan diet had lower ultrasound values in comparison to the other group, which in turn, indicates poorer bone health.

In a statement, Researcher Andreas Hensel from the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment stated that people often follow a vegan diet due to health-consciousness. He emphasizes that there may be various benefits known of a vegan diet, however, scientific findings suggest that a vegan diet does have an impact on bone health.

The study conducted involved 72 men and women. All the participants were assessed for their bone health at the heel bone with the use of ultrasound measurements. Information related to age, education, BMI or body mass index, smoking status, physical activity as well as alcohol consumption was also collected. With the use of a statistical model, the team was able to conclude the role of a pattern of twelve biomarkers in the bone health from 28 nutrition-relevant parameters as well as bone relevant parameters from blood or urine.

The study also showed that in combination vitamins A and B6, lysine and leucine amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, thyroid-stimulating hormone, selenoprotein P, calcium, magnesium and a-Klotho protein were positively linked with bone health. On the contrary, lower concentrations of FGF23 hormone were found at higher ultrasound levels.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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