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Variety Of Illnesses That Are Covered In Health Insurance

A health insurance policy is vital for all to ease the financial burden that may arise due to a medical emergency in the family. In the purview of the rising medical inflation, the treatment cost for some of the diseases can run into several lakhs. With a health insurance policy at hand, you can be sufficiently prepared to meet the expenses.

Variety Of Illnesses That Are Covered In Health Insurance

List Of Diseases Covered By Health Insurance

Below is a list of some of the common diseases that most health insurance policies cover.

  • Accident-related Injuries

Typically, all Mediclaim policies cover the treatment cost for accident-related injuries. Depending on the policy terms, you can get full coverage for the expenses, including inpatient hospitalisation, post-hospitalisation care, diagnostic tests, etc. Additionally, you can avail the cashless claim facilities for such costs provided you avail treatment at any of the insurer’s network hospitals.

  • Cataract Surgery

This is one of the common diseases covered under health insurance. A cataract is an eye-related ailment that affects the vision, and it mainly occurs among senior citizens. Typically, the treatment of cataract requires surgery. Except for the group health insurance policies, most healthcare plans cover cataract surgery. However, there may be a waiting period before the cover applies.

  • Cancer

Cancer is one of the most dreaded diseases. Depending on the seriousness of the patients’ condition, and the type of cancer they are diagnosed with, the treatment cost for cancer can run into several lakhs. Cancer patients often require special care and prolonged hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation treatment like chemotherapy, radiation therapy, etc.

Typically, all health insurance plans cover cancer treatment, but they may be subject to terms and conditions. For example, if the cancer is detected in the late stages, the policy may have sub-limits on the hospitalisation expenses, or there may be a waiting period before it comes under the policy inclusions’ gamut. Be aware of the policy terms while filing the claim. Also, many insurance companies in India offer specialised Cancer health insurance plans or as an add-on.

  • Covid-19

With the rising number of COVID-19 cases in India and the increasing risk of the disease, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has mandated all the insurance companies in India to cover COVID-19 under the current policy. COVID-19 is a deadly virus, and its treatment requires specialised care. With a robust health insurance policy at hand, you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the insurer will take care of the treatment cost.

  • Dengue

This is one of the common diseases covered under health insurance. Although not a serious condition, sometimes, if left untreated, it can lead to fatal consequences. Most insurance policies cover Dengue reimburse all medical costs incurred on the treatment, irrespective of whether you need hospitalisation or not; the policy also covers daycare expenses.

  • Diabetes

Diabetes is a common health problem among both men and women. Depending on the personal health condition, the disease can cause various complications, and often the patients may need to be hospitalized. Depending on your policy terms, you can get coverage against all expenses, including the blood tests, insulin shots, doctor consultation fees, medicines, etc.

However, remember that most insurance companies have a waiting period, especially for senior citizens.


The list of diseases covered under health insurance varies based on the type of policy you purchase. Before you sign the policy papers, it is paramount that you be aware of the list of diseases covered under the plan and the associated terms and conditions for coverage. This will help make an informed policy buying decision and avoid filing for a false claim.

Also read- There Are Four Main Symptoms Of Omicron To Be Aware Of.

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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