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Useful Ideas to Save on Health Insurance Premiums

Health insurance plans provide financial support to the policyholder for high cost of medical treatments in case of an emergency at an affordable premium rate. The premium amount has to be paid by the policyholders according to their financial budget to continue availing the services under their purchased health insurance policy. The premium amount can be paid monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually, depending on the type of plan chosen and the health insurance provider. The premium amount of a plan depends on several factors like age of the policyholder, type of plan chosen, inclusions within the plan, etc. You can customize your desired health insurance policy by making changes in the online premium calculator. You can choose an appropriate amount of premium rate for your plan and then get the inclusions and features under your plan accordingly.

Useful Ideas to Save on Health Insurance Premiums

Smart Tips To Save On Health Insurance Premiums

Let us look at some of the key tips that can followed to save on health insurance premium amounts:

  • Invest In A Plan At A Younger Age

You should invest in a health insurance plan as early as possible. You can buy a plan for yourself and your loved ones as soon as you start earning to get health insurance plans at an affordable premium rate. You must make sure that the plan you invest in is up to your medical requirements. With the increase in age, the premium amount of a plan also increases. So by buying a plan at an early age, you can save a good amount under your premium price.

Must Read: A Comprehensive Guide to Paying Health Insurance Premiums in Instalments

  • Maintain A Healthy Lifestyle

People with critical diseases or pre-existing diseases have to pay more premium under a health insurance plan as they are more vulnerable to frequent hospitalizations. Therefore, if you are healthy then you will have to pay less amount as premium for your health insurance plans.

  • Invest In A Family Floater Plan

If you are looking to provide medical coverage to all your family members then, you can buy a family floater plan under which the coverage will be offered to all your loved ones in a single plan. Family floater plans are more cost-effective than regular health insurance plans.

  • Opt For Additional Covers

You can enhance your existing health insurance policy without buying a new health insurance plan, by investing in a suitable and comprehensive top-up cover. These plans can be customized and they add value to the base health insurance plan of the policyholders. You can avail the benefits of a top-up plan only when the claim amount of the base plan is exhausted.

  • Purchase A Plan Online

Buying health insurance plans online can help you save a great deal of premium amount as the health insurance providers offer discounts and rewards to policyholders online. If you buy a plan via agents you will have to pay an extra sum of money that can add to your expenses. There are several options that are available over the internet, you can choose the one that is both exclusive and affordable.

  • Choose A Plan With Long Term Coverage

Health insurance plans with a policy tenure of 2 to 3 years are more affordable than the plans that are offered for a period of 1 year. Health insurers offer discounts to the policyholders under the long term plans. Also, if you invest in a long term plan then you can get desirable coverage without any time constraint.

  • Invest In Suitable Add-On Covers

If you want to save your money and avoid paying extra premium amounts then you must invest in suitable add-on covers. You must include additional covers that meet your requirements at an affordable price, and do not pay for plans that are of no use to you.


You can follow the above mentioned tips to save premium amounts on your health insurance plans. You must go through the policy terms to make sure that it meets your requirements cost-effectively.

Also Read: Saving on Health Insurance Premiums

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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