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US to Share COVID-19 Vaccines With Countries in Crisis, Including India

The US President has announced to share 6 Million COVID-19 vaccine doses with India and other countries experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases. It will donate 75% of its unused vaccines to Covax, the vaccine coalition of the World Health Organization. 

The White House unveiled the vaccine allocation plan for sharing the first 2.5 crore doses globally, on Thursday. The President stated that it plans to share eight crore vaccine doses with the world by the end of June.

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The President also shared that the first 2.5 crore vaccine doses will be of Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, from the existing vaccine stocks. 

How Many Doses Will India Receive?

The exact number of COVID-19 vaccines that the US will allocate to India is not clear yet. However, the President made it clear that the US is sharing COVID-19 vaccines to save lives and lead the world in bringing an end to the disease. 

The vaccines are likely to be shared with India by June. The details of the first 25 million doses were released on Thursday, out of which 19 million doses will be shared through Covax. The President’s statement said the remaining doses, more than 6 million, will be shared directly with countries in crisis, which are experiencing an increase in COVID-19 cases, including India, Canada, Mexico,  and the Republic of Korea. 

On Thursday, US Vice President Kamala Harris spoke to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and informed him about the COVID-19 vaccine doses allocation program. Apart from PM Modi, Harris also spoke to the Prime Ministers and Presidents of other countries as well. 

Also, Read Here: 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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