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US Scientists Testing Nasal Spray To Prevent Covid-19

The world is yet to welcome a vaccine for coronavirus. Making an effort towards prevention of coronavirus, scientists at the University of Pennsylvania and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, the biotechnology company are currently looking for the possibilities for the development of a nasal spray to prevent Covid-19 infection. 

As of now, investigation regarding the use of technology developed for gene therapy for development of the nasal spray is going on. The key idea behind the development is transferring a weekend virus into the body with the help of the nasal spray. The virus would carry genetic instructions to cells within the nose and throat, thereby creating powerful antibodies to stop SARS-CoV-2 from invading the body in return. 

Currently, the technology is undergoing tests in animals, results of which, if positive, would lead to the development of the nasal spray, a single dose of which would be successful in preventing coronavirus infection for at least six months. 

According to James Wilson, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania,  "The benefit of our approach is that a person does not require a competent immune system to witness effective results.”

While scientists in the U.S are finding out chances of developing a nasal spray as a coronavirus prevention means, China is in the development of a nasal spray vaccine as per international media reports. The vaccine is said to begin the first phase of clinical trials and recruit 100 volunteers for the same.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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