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Universal Sompo Trains Unemployed Youth to Provide Non-Life Insurance Solutions to Citizens

Universal Sompo General Insurance Company Ltd. recently held a “Skill Development Program” in the presence of Hon’ble Union Minister for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey. The function was held to felicitate the candidates on the successful completion of training and certification according to the IRDAI’s (Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India) requirement. Universal Sompo extended the training program to help the trained candidates get employed. 

This is the second batch of Varanasi where 110 candidates are trained for Skill Development Program. Prior to this, Universal Sompo trained around 105 candidates of Varanasi. Until now, 709 candidates have been conducted from across India for the program. 

Speaking about the event, the Executive Chairman of Universal Sompo General Insurance Shri O.N. Singh shared, “We are pleased with the end result which we have achieved by fulfilling our objective of providing employment to deserving candidates. Successfully empowering unemployed youth with a self-sustaining source of income for livelihood has been addressed with this program. We will continue to add value to their profession as well as reach out to maximum citizens to provide non-life insurance solutions to mitigate risk which can minimize the financial impact in times of uncertainty.” 

He also shared that Mahatma Gandhi always wanted a self-reliant society, and Universal Sompo is working on the same idea by developing the skills of the youth so that they become self-reliant and thereby boost the economy.  

Dr. Mahendra Nath Pandey felicitated the candidates who have joined in the last few years and have shown outstanding results. He handed over the stipend and certificates to the candidates who are selected this year. He praised the insurer saying that Universal Sompo has witnessed the growth and is working for the upliftment of the society. He believes that the program is an outstanding initiative of the company which will certainly help to eradicate unemployment from society.   

Under Universal Sompo’s “Skill Development Program”, the insurer trains the unemployed people from rural and urban areas in the development of skills and provide them financial support to act as agents and earn a living through commission received by selling non-life insurance policies of the insurer. Since the inception of the program, the company has trained 709 career agents as of now. 

Universal Sompo conducts such training programs and examinations at its training centres that are accredited by the IRDAI and spread across urban, semi-urban, and rural areas.     

About Universal Sompo General Insurance Company Ltd. 

Universal Sompo, the first public-private partnership in Indian General Insurance Industry, is a joint venture between Indian Overseas Bank, Allahabad Bank, Karnataka Bank Ltd., Sompo Japan Nipponka, and Dabur Investment Corporation. Headquartered in Mumbai, the company has 86 branches and 17 zonal offices throughout the country. The insurer offers insurance products in the health, motor, travel, and home. 

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