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Type 2 Diabetes Related With Higher Risk of Parkinson’s Disease, Finds Study

As per the latest research from Queen Mary University of London, a convincing evidence highlighting the association of type 2 diabetes with a higher risk of Parkinson’s Disease has been found. Published in the Movement Disorders Journal, the study also found that type 2 diabetes may contribute to quick disease progression in Parkinson’s patients.

It must be noted that the study was conducted by researchers to evaluate and investigate type 2 diabetes by performing meta-analysis of observational and genetic summary data. In the past, meta-analysis and systematic reviews have given conflicting results with regards to the relation between diabetes and the risk of Parkinson’s Disease. The new, recent study is expected to provide optimum results. 

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According to Dr. Alastair Noyce, Corresponding Author, Queen Mary University of London, the current research provides results from multiple studies to give evidence that type 2 diabetes not only affects the risk of Parkinson’s Disease, but also promotes its progression. He also emphasises that there are many treatment strategies for type 2 diabetes that may be repurposed for the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease.

With this study, experts conclude that even if a diabetic person doesn’t have Parkinson’s Disease, they must keep their blood glucose levels within the normal range to ensure proper brain health. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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