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Top Health Insurance Plans With Cover For AYUSH Treatments

Due to the change in the lifestyle of the people, the vulnerability of a person to contract a life-threatening disease has increased. There are different types of treatment that are available in the health sector apart from the usual allopathic treatments. Some people find the other types of treatment more favourable for them instead of the modern medical treatments. Therefore, to help people in compensating for the costs of other medical treatments like Ayurveda, Yoga, Siddha, etc. the health insurance providers have included the AYUSH cover which stands for Ayurvedic, Yoga and naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. Due to the significant rise in the inflation in the health sector, the costs of all types of medical treatments have also increased thus leading people to burn a hole in their pockets.

Top Health Insurance Plans With Cover For AYUSH Treatments

About AYUSH Treatment

AYUSH is the acronym for Ayurvedic, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy. It is a set of ancient treatments that are received by patients at low costs and these treatments have minimum to no side effects. The alternative treatment for the policyholders was included in the health insurance plans by the IRDAI in the year 2013. It gave the policyholders an option in case they did not want to be treated by allopathy. The central government has also introduced a Ministry of AYUSH, to improve the conditions of the hospitals offering the other types of medical treatments. In a long time, AYUSH treatments have started developing a good base of trusting population that receives the treatments without doubting the effectiveness of the medicine and its related procedures. Let us look at some of the common benefits of having an AYUSH cover under your health insurance plan:

Must Read: What is AYUSH Coverage in Health Insurance?

  • This treatment offers a low cost of treatment and it can benefit any section of the society.
  • AYUSH treatments have proved to be highly effective with no side effects and it has made it more popular among the people. It is based on the ancient culture of medicines and this revival of the traditional medicine culture has been accepted open-mindedly by the people of our country.
  • Policyholders with AYUSH treatment policy cover get multiple options of treatments for their chronic diseases like kidney ailments, cardiac ailments, etc.
  • The treatments under AYUSH are first-rate curative treatments and do not result in any major change in the lifestyle of the patient. Tobacco consumption, addictions, hypertension, etc can also be dealt with under this policy cover.

Top Health Insurance Plans With Cover For AYUSH Treatments

Following are some of the best health insurance plans that offer AYUSH treatments to its policyholders:

1. Individual Health Protector Cover

This is an AYUSH cover by IFFCO Tokio health insurance company and it offers a comprehensive coverage to its policyholders insured under this plan. People can avail daily cash allowances under this cover and get access to many other features like hospitalization expenses, room rents, medication costs, and a lot more.

2. OneHealth Insurance Policy

This policy is offered by Magma HDI health insurance firm and it is known for its efficiency to settle claims on time. This plan compensates for the AYUSH treatments of both individuals and their families. With its extensive coverage, this plan offers an affordable choice to the policyholders.

3. Care Health Insurance Plan

Care health insurance company offers AYUSH treatment cover to the policyholders and their families. It covers the senior citizens of the house under an affordable premium range and ensures the overall wellbeing of the patient undergoing the AYUSH treatment. It includes a wide range of medical ailments that can be treated with the help of the non-allopathic treatments.


There are a plethora of options that are available in the insurance market when it comes to the AYUSH treatment cover of the health insurance policy. To ensure sufficient coverage, you must carefully read the fine print of your purchased health insurance plans and clear your doubts with the health insurance provider.

Also Read: Top Health Insurance Plans With Cover For Daycare Procedures

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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