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Top Health Insurance Plans Offered By Go Digit General Insurance

Different companies in the insurance market have different types of plans to offer. Based on your requirements you can buy the best plan for yourself and your family. However, it is important to note that purchasing a health insurance is necessary as it not only saves your taxes but also guards your life in case of an emergency. Usually, plans offered by different companies include domiciliary expenses, pre and post-hospitalization charges, daycare expenses, and critical illness cover. Much more can be added to this list depending on the company that you choose to go for. 

Go Digit Health Insurance provides you with a wide range of standard covers and top-up plans to ensure your quality treatment in case of an emergency irrespective of the rising inflation in the health sector. You can consult their support team for consultation, and they have a sorted and quick claim settlement process. After having purchased a health insurance policy from Go Digit Health Insurance you can buy add-ons to add more to your policy depending on your needs. 

Top Health Insurance Plans Offered By Go Digit General Insurance

About Go Digit Health Insurance

Go Digit Health Insurance is a product of Go Digit General Insurance, which is a leading non-life general insurer supported by Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited. The firm has won several awards for its quality services. Go Digit Health Insurance aims to simplify the whole process of purchasing a health insurance policy. It protects you and your loved ones by offering you not only individual plans but also family floater plans. Let us look at some of the basic features of Go Digit Health Insurance company: 

  • It has a network of 5,900+ partner hospitals to provide cashless treatments to its policyholders. 
  • It had a claim settlement ratio of 63.56% in FY 2019-20. 
  • It offers the lifetime renewability of policies to its customers. 
  • Go Digit Health Insurance arranges free healthcare checkups for its customers. 
  • Special COVID-19 covers are also available at an affordable price at Go Digit Health Insurance

Top Plans Offered By Go Digit Health Insurance

Out of a long list of plans that Go Digit Health Insurance has to offer its customers, the following are the top and widely purchased plans:

1. Digit Healthcare Plus Policy 

This policy is available for a policy tenure of 1, 2, or 3 years for individuals aged between 1 year and 65 years. It can cover you and your family against medical expenses incurred during hospitalization. It covers pre and post-hospitalization expenses, daycare procedures, in-patient hospitalization, road ambulance charges, and many more. AYUSH treatments and complementary healthcare check-ups are also offered. 

2. Digit Aarogya Sanjeevani Policy  

It is an affordable policy for an individual or an entire family. The age limit to purchase this plan ranges from 3 months to 65 years. The claim amount insured under this plan ranges from Rs. 1 Lakh to Rs. 5 Lakh depending on the needs of the insured. It is a one-year policy, which can be extended by a renewal for consecutive years. The plan covers pre and post-hospitalization expenses, AYUSH treatments, and road ambulance expenses. 

To the above-mentioned plans and policies, various add-on covers can be added to enhance the coverage of the policy without much increase in the price. 


Many other plans like the Corona Kavach Policy and Corona Rakshak Policy are also offered by Go Digit Health Insurance. Some plans are short-term and others are made available for a period of years. The differences in the plans depend on the type of plan that you choose. However, standard policy terms remain the same for all the plans like co-payment, lifelong renewability, and age limit. You must always go through the policy-related documents properly to be aware of the inclusions and the exclusions in your policy. 

Must Read: Top 5 Health Insurance Plans That You Can Buy In 2021

Top Up health Insurance and Mediclaim Policy Cover

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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