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Top Critical Illness Plans In The Market

Standard health insurance plans in the insurance market are comprehensive and affordable. They provide features and benefits like hospitalization charges, room rents, ambulance charges, healthcare checkups, and a lot more. But, these plans can turn out to be insufficient for people suffering from critical diseases like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, etc., as these diseases require high cost of treatments. People covered under family floater plans or group health insurance cover might have to pay for medical expenses from their pocket at the time of an emergency as the sum assured under these plans is less and not sufficient. 

Top Critical Illness Plans In The Market

To help and financially aid the people suffering from critical illnesses, the health insurance providers offer critical illness plans covering around 32 critical diseases. These plans provide compensation for the treatment of the listed critical diseases and can be bought either as a base plan or as an additional cover. This is a benefit cover that provides lump-sum payment of the sum assured to the customers. 

Benefits of Having A Critical Illness Health Insurance Plan 

A critical illness plan saves you from the high cost of treatment and helps you bear the medical expenses without burning a hole in your pocket. Let us look at some of the benefits of a critical illness plan that can be availed by the customers at the time of claim settlement process: 

  • Apart from the hospitalization costs, the lump sum payment of this cover also looks after your household expenses that might get affected due to your treatment, being the sole breadwinner of the family. 
  • Policyholders who are also the taxpayers can get tax deduction benefits abiding to the Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. 
  • To claim this cover, hospitalization is not necessary. The claim amount can be received with the verification of the diagnostic reports of the disease. 
  • These plans come with a short waiting period of around 3 months thus making the cover available for the policyholders at the earliest. 
  • Wellness coach, second opinion, etc. are some of the additional covers that can be bought by the customer to enhance the features of the existing policy. 
  • It provides the customers with peace of mind regarding their medical treatment and ensures quality treatment. 

Top Critical Illness Health Insurance Policies 

Following are some of the popularly bought critical illness health insurance plans in the country: 

  • HDFC Ergo Optima Vital 

This critical illness plan by HDFC Ergo health insurance company provides financial compensation for around 37 critical diseases. Up to Rs. 50 Lakhs of sum assured is available under this plan along with the e-opinion benefits on diagnosis of the disease. Value added services and health risk assessment is also added under this plan for the policyholders. 

Also Read: Does Smoking Affect My Health Insurance Premium?

  • Care Assure Plan

This is a plan by the Care Health Insurance firm and covers around 20 critical illnesses with an assured sum of Rs. 1 Crore.  It comes with no survival period and has an inbuilt personal accident coverage for the policyholders. Free healthcare checkups are also provided to the customers by the insurance company. 

  • Star Criticare Plus Insurance Cover 

It covers 9 major critical diseases and comes with no survival period. This critical illness health insurance plan by Star Health Insurance provides coverage for non-allopathic treatments too which can include AYUSH treatments. After the payment of the claim, coverage for hospitalization expenses is provided to the policyholders.  

  • Manipal Cigna Lifestyle Protection - Critical Care Insurance Plan 

This health insurance cover comes in different variants and provides aid for 30 critical ailments with an assured amount of up to Rs. 3 Crores. The claim can be received in either staggered payments or a single lump-sum payment. With the facility of an online wellness program, it also offers free medical second opinion to the customers in case of critical illnesses. 


Apart from the above-mentioned critical illness health insurance plans, there are several other health insurance covers for the treatment of critical illnesses. You can do your own research on the same and consider the top plans mentioned above before investing in a suitable health insurance cover for your critical disease. 

Also Read: Critical Link between Smoking and Health Insurance Policy

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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