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Tips For Choosing The Best Coronavirus Health Insurance Plan

While everybody is taking precautions and following the social distancing rules, a health insurance cover is what you need to safeguard your loved ones from this pandemic in the best possible manner. Many insurance companies have launched Coronavirus health insurance policies. And to find the right health cover with an adequate sum insured you need to follow an informed selection process. In this article, we have listed some useful tips that will help you buy the best health insurance plan for COVID treatment.

Tips For Choosing The Best Coronavirus Health Insurance Plan

Factors to Take Care of while Selecting Coronavirus Health Insurance Plan

Though all the medical insurance products that insurance companies provide include in-patient treatment cover, it is still recommended to follow the tips given below. You can use these tips while looking for the best Covid-19 insurance policy in India. Check out the factors that play an important role in helping your select a perfect Coronavirus health insurance plan in detail:

1. Adequate Sum Insured Amount

COVID health plans usually provide a financial cover up to Rs 2 Lakh. When selecting a COVID-19 health plan the one thing that is most important is the adequacy of the sum insured. It should be enough to cover your medical treatment costs and should minimize your out-of-the-pocket expenses.

What you can do is analyze the coverage amount of the health insurance plan based on the dependent family members, their medical history, family income, liabilities, etc.

2. The Cost of the Premium

Honestly, we all want to buy a health plan that doesn’t hurt our pockets and provides adequate financial cover as well. And it will not be wrong to say that Covid-19 has affected hundreds of households around the world in terms of both health and income. To overcome such a situation, it becomes essential to buy a health insurance cover that doesn’t charge you a bomb.

Hence, you can choose a health plan that strikes balance between the affordability quotient as well as health coverage. The best health insurance policy for Covid-19 would be the one that provides adequate health cover without charging a higher premium.

3. The Right Insurer

The authenticity and the premium paying capability of the insurer is also an important factor in evaluating the best health insurance plan for Coronavirus. You can analyze the reliability of the insurer by knowing the Solvency Ratio, Claim Settlement Ratio (CSR) and Incurred Claim Ratio of the company.

These ratios tell the insurer’s claim paying and settlement abilities and the financial standing.  You can select an insurer who is performing well as per all the ratios.

4. COVID Home Care Treatment

Coronavirus health insurance plans also provide home treatment cover to the insured members. This can vary from one insurer to another. However, if we talk about Corona kavach policy, it includes COVID-19 home treatment cover up to 14 days. This coverage benefit proves to be quite useful if there is shortage of beds in the hospitals. Or due to some reason, the doctor advises treatment at home. Do not forget to check for this beneftit in your policy wordings at the time of purchase.

5. Quick and Hassle-free Online Purchase

Another important aspect that you need to consider while selecting the best insurance for the Covid-19 is the online purchase and renewal process. During the times of Coronavirus pandemic, the insurer must provide the ease of online purchase. Both the purchase and the claim process should be fast and convenient.

Simply put, find a health plan that can be purchased online with simple steps in minimal time. Also, look for a plan that involved minimum paperwork at the time of claim settlement. It reduces the burden on the affected family during such difficult times.

6. After Sale Service

When choosing the best Coronavirus plan, you also need to find select an insurer that holds a positive record of customer services. During the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, it will be helpful to be associated with an insurance company that is known for its seamless customer service and ensures fast redressal of buyer’s grievances.


Having the right Coronavirus health insurance policy is a vital solution to counter the effect of the virus. As coronavirus continues to impact the entire world, it becomes a necessity more than a choice.

Also read- What Kind Of Health Insurance Should I Get?

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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