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The Following Is A List Of Documents That Must Be Presented When Purchasing Health Insurance.

Purchasing health insurance may be a difficult challenge, especially if you are young. It's critical to be properly prepared, and a large part of that is having the correct documentation so that the process doesn't become stalled. A company's necessary paperwork may alter significantly based on their regulations, but the core list remains the same. In this post, we will explain what documentation you will need to provide when purchasing health insurance and making a health insurance claim.

The Following Is A List Of Documents That Must Be Presented When Purchasing Health Insurance.

List of Documents Considered necessary When Purchasing Health Insurance

The following documents are necessary for acquiring health insurance coverage in India:

1. Age Verification

Several health insurance policies include age eligibility requirements. Most need you to be between the ages of 18 and 65, while others, such as those designed for older persons or children, have their own age limit. For these reasons, while purchasing health insurance coverage, it is important to have a document that shows your age. Any of the following papers should suffice as evidence of age: birth certificate, PAN card, voter's ID, driving license, passport, and so on.

2. Identity Proof

The papers provided for identification proof are necessary since they authenticate your identity to the company and aid in record keeping. Aadhaar Card, PAN Card, Driving License, Passport, Voter's ID, and other papers are acceptable for this purpose. You may be required to provide a recent image as well.

3. Address Verification

When acquiring health insurance coverage, you must provide address verification in the form of documentation with a permanent address.  As evidence of address, you may provide the following documents: Ration card, phone bill, the electric bill, passport, voter's ID, bank account statement, and so forth. Please keep in mind that your name must be specified in the submitted paper. It is preferable to supply a supporting document or another stand-alone document if it is not stated (for example, an electricity bill) (for example, passport).

4. Medical Reports 

This is not necessary by every company, since only a subset of them demand a pre-insurance medical examination. If the firm does need a pre-insurance medical test, the results must be provided in order to acquire the policy. The reports required will vary depending on the type of health insurance plan chosen.


The documents needed to get a health insurance policy in India vary significantly based on the business and the type of plan you want to buy, but the essential document list stays the same. The following documents are necessary while purchasing health insurance in India: Age, residence, and identification verification, as well as medical reports, are all required. To obtain health insurance, the ideal technique is to first assess one's needs, then research policies and choose the best option based on coverage, price, and insurer. Pay special attention to the policy's coverage, exclusions, terms, and conditions, and get any queries answered before purchasing the plan.

Also read- Why Is Having A Health Insurance Policy Important During An Omicron Variant Outbreak?

Individual Health Insurance vs. Group Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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