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The Count of UK-Returned Covid Positive Passengers Reaches 31

The total count of Covid-19 positive passengers who returned to Delhi from the United Kingdom has reached 31. It is to be noted that the count has increased by 10. All the 10 Covid-19 positive passengers had recently returned from the UK.

According to a senior Delhi government official, 8 people who came in touch with the UK-returned infected persons, tested positive for the coronavirus disease on Sunday. On Monday, 2 more contacts tested positive for Covid-19. All the 31 persons infected with the novel coronavirus have been admitted at the Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital’s special ward set up, specifically dedicated to the UK-returned and their contacts found positive for the virus. Samples of the Covid-19 infected individuals have been sent for genome sequencing to find out whether the infection is with the mutated virus or the locally-transmitted one. The report for genome sequencing is expected to arrive by December 30 or 31. 

As per the reports, out of over 13,000 passengers who landed at Indira Gandhi International airport, around 1,400 have identified to be Delhi residents. The Bureau of Civil Aviation Security has provided a list of passengers that is being sorted and all the residents from the national capital who returned from the UK are being contacted. Satyender Kumar Jain, Health Minister, Delhi ensured that tracing and testing of all people who travelled to Delhi from the UK in past few weeks would be carried out without fail. 

Officials confirmed that the district level teams contact people who had returned from the UK after November 25 and test them for the novel coronavirus. Anyone who came in contact with the infected individuals and has developed any symptoms is also being identified and tested.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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