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The Best Ways Of Buying Health Insurance Plan

If you want to get health insurance, there are several different channels you can use to find a suitable plan. There are offline and online options for purchasing health insurance. However, some businesses might use a digital approach, while others might not offer coverage online. . Due to this, it is important to know how you can buy health insurance. Read on to know in detail. 

The Best Ways Of Buying Health Insurance Plan

What Are The Various Options For Health Insurance Purchase In India? 

While past insurers relied on conventional or offline methods, such as brokers, to market their health insurance, today's health insurance businesses communicate with their clients directly through user-friendly websites. This makes it easier for customers to study, compare, and purchase the best health insurance plans online.

The common methods for purchasing health insurance in India are described in this section.

Offline Mode

For a sizable section of the population in India, purchasing insurance has traditionally been done offline. Insurance can be purchased in two different methods offline:

Branch visit

Currently almost all insurance companies have acquired a PAN India presence through the establishment of several branches in various cities.

If you want to buy insurance but aren't comfortable doing it online or are unable to do so, you can start the process by paying a quick visit to the branch that is closest to you. You will receive help from the branch's relationship manager during the purchasing process.

Agent Community 

Prior to the internet age, businesses relied heavily on their agent network to market and sell insurance policies, a practice that is still common in the nation. Agents are entitled to commission for each successful sale made in exchange for selling insurance. For the length of your policy, these agents also serve as your main resource for information and the liaison between you and the insurance company.

Online Mode

On your PC, smartphone, or laptop, you can also buy your plans independently online. Given that there are no brokers or third parties involved, this is the quickest way to obtain any type of insurance. Anyone with access to the internet can buy it from the convenience of their home.

It may take many different forms, including:

Authorized Websites And Apps 

A dependable way to purchase insurance is through the official websites or channels of insurance companies. There is no room for disinformation because you receive the most accurate information about the plans, their features, and benefits. A built-in function called the Premium Calculator estimates your rates accurately for you based on factors including your age, income, policy tenure, and other factors.

Insurance aggregator 

A website's content regarding insurance policies from numerous businesses is compiled by insurance aggregators. You can compare Insurance Providers and their various plans thanks to these aggregators' broad perspective and objectivity. Each insurer's information is available on the platform, ensuring that you can make an informed choice. You can compare several policies using web aggregators based on such crucial elements as premiums, offered coverage, policy term, claim settlement ratio, and others.

Bancassurance Mode 

Bancassurance is the country's banking institutions' marketing of insurance. To sell their goods and increase their customer base, the majority of insurance providers have Bancassurance arrangements with top banks. Employers in India typically obtain group health insurance policies through the Bancassurance network set up by many Indian health insurers by paying a combined premium sum.

Factors To Consider For Mode Of Purchase

The factors that need to be considered while choosing the manner in which you want to make the insurance purchase is very subjective. The main focus is purchasing insurance, and the method you choose will rely on your tastes and level of ease. Online insurance purchases are quicker, more practical, and provide consumers with a variety of possibilities. The tech-savvy youth of today is more prone to make purchases online through Insurance Aggregators, apps, etc., even though offline means have their own advantages.


It is always essential to create a fairly accurate calculation of your healthcare needs and comprehend the various policy features in order to arrive at the proper selection, regardless of whether you choose the online or offline manner of purchasing Medical Insurance plans. Even if a medical emergency arises out of the blue, the  right  medical insurance plan will to safeguard your family's future and finances.

Also Read: Medical loans or health insurance plans?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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