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The Advantages of Purchasing Health Insurance Online

Easy availability and buying convenience have made online health insurance policies boom in India. Yet, many Indians still prefer to buy their health insurance plans from insurance agents. This is because most are unsure about the safety and reliability of online health insurance policies. However, in reality, online health insurance policies are not only safe but also reliable and convenient. If you are still having second thoughts about buying a health insurance policy online, take a look at the following benefits of buying health insurance online.

Benefits of Buying Health Insurance Online

Here are 10 major benefits of buying health insurance online that will help you make an informed buying decision: 

1. The abundance of Choice

There are numerous health insurance policies available online. Each policy offers varying features, benefits and coverage at a different premium. Given the wide availability of health insurance policies online, it is easy to compare and find the one that fits your needs. However, given the abundance of choice, buying a health insurance policy can also be confusing. So make sure to compare various policies from different insurers before buying one.

2. Easy Comparison

A thorough comparison of various policies is the key to buying the right policy. Comparing health insurance policies online is a simple process. You can either compare policies by visiting various health insurance provider’s websites or compare them through various portals of web aggregators. In a nutshell, comparing health insurance policies online will not take more than a few minutes and can be done from the comfort of your home or office.

3. Ease Of Transaction

Buying health insurance online is a simple process. All you need to do is enter a few details and you will get an instant personalised health insurance quote. If you are satisfied with the health insurance quote, you can proceed to apply for the health insurance plan by filling up the application form. On successful application and payment, the policy will be sent to you on your registered email address. 

4. Security

Buying health insurance online is completely safe, provided you buy it from a leading and trustworthy insurance company. Reputed insurance companies rely on secured connections and encryptions to shield customers from any form of cyber frauds. Leading health insurance companies also offer popular and secured payment methods such as debit/credit card, net banking and online payment wallets.

5. Absence Of Agents And Middlemen

Online health insurance policies completely eliminate the need for any agents or middlemen. Health insurance companies sell online policies directly to customers without any intervention. This makes the process much quicker and also reduces cost due to the absence of agents' fee/commission. As a result, online health insurance policies are much cheaper than offline health insurance policies.

6. Clear And Transparent Terms And Conditions 

Most online health insurance companies list out the policy terms and conditions clearly on their website. Hence, you can make an informed decision after careful consideration of the terms and conditions of the policy. On the other hand, when you are buying health insurance policies through agents, they may hide certain information from you in a bid to sell the policy.

7. Advance Insurance Quote

With online health insurance policies, you get the benefit of advance insurance quotes. By filling in a few details about your age, health etc. at the company website, you can get an instant health insurance quote  that lists out the coverage and premium payable. Only if you are satisfied with the quote, you can proceed to buy a health insurance policy. The advance quote feature is also helpful for comparison.

8. Convenient and Time Savings

The best part about buying health insurance online is that you can buy it from the convenience of your home, office or even on the go. No need to visit the insurance company office or the insurance agent. All you have to do is power up your mobile, tablet or computer and let your fingers do the talking. The entire online health insurance purchase process is simple and straightforward and can be completed in a few minutes.

9. Pre And Post-Sales Services

When you buy health insurance policies online, you can avail various pre and post sales services offered by the insurer. Most online health insurers offer premium calculators that can help you determine your insurance premium before you buy the plan. This in turn, helps you make an informed decision. Moreover, all the policy details are available for your perusal and if you have any doubts regarding the policy, you can use the live chat facility to get all your doubts cleared instantly. As far as post-sales service is concerned, online health insurance providers also send across the premium receipts, soft copy of your policy bond and premium renewal reminders online, thus making your purchase experience seamless.

10. Helps Overcome Geographical Limitations 

When you choose to buy your medical insurance policy online, you don’t have to worry about the insurer’s office being close to your area of residence as you can buy the policy virtually. Besides easy purchase, the claim filing and claim settlement can also be done online through the company website. Hence, online health insurance policies successfully overcome geographical barriers making the buying process easier.


As you can see, buying health insurance online has several advantages over offline policies. Clearly, buying health insurance policies online is not only convenient and cost-effective but also safe and time-saving.

You may also like to read - The Advantages Of Purchasing A Health Insurance Policy Of Rs. 1 Crore

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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