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Swaasthaneev-A Joint Initiative of Max Bupa Health Insurance and Bank of Baroda

Two leading giants of India from two different sectors have come together to bring about a radical change in the lives of the underprivileged. Max Bupa Health Insurance and Bank of Baroda have initiated a joint effort in collaboration with Feeding India to address the largely looming problem of hunger in the country. Spreading their wings across 100 cities, this endeavour is directed towards feeding 112,000 children enabling them to lead a better life.

Mr. Vikramaditya Singh Khichi, the Executive Director of Bank of Baroda and Mr. Ashish Mehrotra who is the current MD and CEO of Max Bupa Health Insurance have taken the lead in this project encouraging their teams as well as other associates to take up the noble cause.

Mr. Vikramaditya Khichi, in an exclusive interview, expressed his deep concern over the rising number of infant deaths caused by malnutrition and has sincerely urged all the people associated with Bank of Baroda to come forward and support the mission against hunger.

Mr. Ashish Mehrotra, MD and CEO of Max Bupa Health Insurance, stressed on the basic requirements of two square meals for every individual. Stating the current scenario of malnutrition where over 190 million people are deprived of this basic feed, he pledged to enable them with a healthy and nutritious meal under the Swasthneev initiative.

As per the statistics given by the Food and Agriculture Organization, 14.8% of the population in the country suffers from undernourishment while there is an alarming increase in food wastage at the same time. Volunteers from Feeding India will visit the places with food vans which will distribute these meals to the needy.

Swasthneev is, therefore, a determined and sincere effort to contribute to the needs of the underprivileged and provide them with adequate food and nourishment.

Max Bupa is a leading name in the health insurance segment which offers comprehensive health insurance plans like GoActive, Health Companion, Heartbeat, Max Bupa Health Pulse, etc. You can choose any of these plans and enjoy good health insurance coverage.

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