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Survival Period In Health Insurance.

With the rising cases of critical illnesses, it is advisable to invest in a health insurance policy that is specifically designed for covering critical illnesses. Insurance companies have introduced critical illness insurance that will provide the policyholder with a lump sum when faced with such health setbacks. There are several clauses in insurance policies and one such clause is the “Survival Period” clause. Read further to understand what it is and how it works.

Survival Period In Health Insurance.

What is a Survival Period?

The Survival period is an important aspect of a critical insurance policy. It refers to the time the policyholder must survive after being diagnosed with a critical illness. When a person is diagnosed with a critical illness, their health insurance provider would pay a lump sum under the critical illness insurance policy to help cover medical expenses incurred in treating the illness.

Insurers will pose a high liability if they agree to pay as soon as the policyholder is diagnosed with a critical illness. Therefore, the survival period is an important clause for insurance companies, and they will pay the coverage amount only if the policyholder survives the period. The survival period varies from 14 days to a month, and this can vary from insurer to insurer according to the insurance plan

How is the Survival Period Different from the Waiting Period?

While the survival period is a duration that one must survive after being diagnosed with a critical illness, a waiting period is a time, one has to wait out to raise an insurance claim. Every health insurance policy will have a waiting period that policyholders must complete but, a survival period is mostly specific to critical illness insurance. While survival periods can vary from 2 weeks to a month, waiting periods can range from 15 days to 4 years depending on the policy

Should Survival Period Be Considered While Buying Critical Illness Policy?

The survival period is basically a way for insurers to delay the process of paying the insured sum. The longer the survival period, the longer the policyholder would have to wait for the claim amount, the shorter the claim amount, the faster one can obtain the coverage amount. This way the financial burden will be reduced easily. Thus, carefully choosing critical illness insurance with the shortest survival period is advisable


The survival period is a very important aspect of a critical health insurance policy, and it is important that one understand the difference between the waiting period and survival period. Remember that the shorter the duration, the faster the coverage amount will be paid. Make sure that you do proper research about health insurance policies before settling to buy one. To know more about health insurance policies available in the market. 

Also read - Is Orthopedic Surgery Covered By Health Insurance?


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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