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Serum Institute Working on 4 More Covid-19 Vaccines

According to reports, Serum Institute of India has begun working on four more Covid-19 vaccines. As a matter of fact, Serum Institute is now a partner with Novavax Inc for manufacturing potential Covid-19 vaccines for India and other countries.

Suresh Jadhav, Executive Director, Serum Institute of India confirmed the commencement of the latter's efforts on four more vaccines against the novel coronavirus. Furthermore, he stated that one vaccine is undergoing a preclinical trial stage while the other three vaccines are in different stages of clinical studies.

It is to be noted that under an agreement with the American vaccine development company Novavax, Inc., Pune-based SII will develop two hundred crore doses of the former’s vaccine candidate on an annual basis. Moreover, the drugmaker will also manufacture the antigen component of the vaccine. 

Serum Institute has also entered partnership with the US-based Codagenix for the manufacture and supply of its coronavirus vaccine.

The world’s largest vaccine manufacturer, Serum Institute had manufactured the Indian variant of AstraZeneca/Oxford University's coronavirus vaccine. The SII vaccine, Covishield received emergency use authorization by India's drug regulator on January 3 alongwith Covaxin by Bharat Biotech.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.


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