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Serum Institute Likely to Ship Covishield to The UK

The Serum Institute of India is highly likely to ship Covishield, the Covid-19 vaccine to the United Kingdom in the near future. There has been a rise in the coronavirus cases as well as its new variant. It must be noted that the update has come after the meeting between Liz Truss, the UK Secretary of State for International Trade and Adar Poonawala, CEO, Serum Institute. While a formal decision is awaited, Serum Institute has stated that it has enough stock to fulfill the requirements of the UK. 

It must be noted that while SII has hinted on having sufficient stock, the Government of India has limited the supply of Covishield, the novel coronavirus vaccine in India. Moreover, the UK health regulator will have to provide its clearance post its team visit to Pune and do other necessary formalities. 

As per the sources, AstraZeneca/Oxford has already entered into a long-term agreement with Serum Institute for technology transfer as well as coronavirus vaccine supply. 

It must be noted that the Centre placed its second purchase order with the SII for 1 Crore Covishield doses, each costing Rs. 210 on February 4. 

Apart from Covaxin by Bharat BioTech, Covishield is another indigenously developed vaccine, approved for restricted emergency use in the country.

You May Also Like To Read: Things to Know About a COVID-19 Vaccine

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.


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