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Royal Sundaram introduces a unique product-Family Plus-The 5G Health Insurance Plan

India’s first private sector general insurance company, Royal Sundaram General Insurance Co. Limited has launched ‘Family Plus-The 5G Health Insurance Plan’. The unique plan covers 19 family members with an individual sum insured for every member and a floater sum insured that any family member can use. There is no restriction on the number of adults, child/children’s age/relationship restriction on adults as in other floater policies.

“At Royal Sundaram, we believe in innovation in elevating the customer experience. Our flagship product Lifeline (launched in 2015) is already the most preferred family health cover in the market. With Family Plus we are introducing a quality product with comprehensive benefits which cover the gamut of insurance needs of individuals, nuclear and extended families under a single cover”, said M.S. Sreedhar, Managing Director, Royal Sundaram General Insurance Co. Limited, expressing his views about the launch.

Family Plus is a cost-effective family health insurance product that offers covers up to INR 15 lac for Individual base and up to INR 50 lac for a common floater.

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Disclaimer: Actual Premium might vary basis your location, age and number of members
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