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Revised Guidelines for Home Isolation of Mild, Asymptomatic COVID-19 Patients

Revised guidelines for home isolation of mild and asymptomatic COVID-19 cases have been issued by the Union Health Ministry. According to the guidelines, home isolation is recommended to COVID-19 patients experiencing mild coronavirus symptoms or are asymptomatic. Revised guidelines suggest that the patient should be clinically assigned as a mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 case by the treating medical officer. Moreover, mild or asymptomatic cases should have the required facility at their home for self-isolation as well as for quarantining the family contacts.

As per the guidelines, the caregiver should be available to provide care and it is a must that the caregiver has a communication link with the hospital for the entire duration of home isolation. people aged more than 60 years and those with comorbidities like hypertension, cardiovascular disease, renal disease, and others shall only be allowed home isolation after proper evaluation by the treating medical officer. Guidelines state that home isolation is not recommended to COVID-19 patients suffering from HIV, transplant recipients and cancer therapy. However, home isolation shall only be allowed after a proper evaluation is done by the treating medical officer.

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The Union Health Ministry, in its revised guidelines, has also suggested that a COVID-19 patient must isolate himself from other household members. An asymptomatic COVID-19 patient or one with mild coronavirus symptoms must stay in the identified room and away from other people at home, especially the elderly and those with comorbid conditions. The room of the patient must be well-ventilated with cross ventilation. Furthermore, it is advised that the patient should, at all times, use a triple layer medical mask. The masks should be discarded after eight hours of use or earlier if found wet or visibly soiled only after disinfecting with 1% sodium hypochlorite. At the time of the caregiver entering the COVID-19 patient room, both the caregiver and the patient may consider using the N95 mask. Self-monitoring of blood oxygen saturation and health is highly advised along with proper communication with a treating physician. Any deterioration in health must be immediately reported.

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The patient should take complete rest and drink lots of fluids so as to maintain adequate hydration. Following respiratory etiquettes at all times and not sharing personal items with others is also advised. Ensure cleaning of surfaces often touched like tabletops, doorknobs, handles, and others with a 1% hypochlorite solution, the guidelines stated.

The revised guidelines by the Union Health Ministry suggest that a COVID-19 patient must not attempt to procure or administer Remdesivir at home. The decision to take Remdesivir or any other therapy must be taken by a medical professional. Remdesivir or any other medication/therapy must be administered only in a hospital setting. According to the guidelines, a COVID-19 patient under home isolation should stand discharged and end isolation after a minimum period of 10 days has passed from the beginning of symptoms or from the date of sampling in asymptomatic cases and no fever for 3 days. The Ministry stated that there is no requirement for testing after the home isolation period is over.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard. 

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