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Reasons To Purchase A Health Insurance Policy At An Early Age

Medical emergencies come without a warning. Considering the rising inflation and increasing medical costs, an unexpected medical treatment in today’s age can topple your life savings like a pack of cards. The youth is continually grappling with career and relationship aspirations; they may hardly invest their thoughts in health insurance. Most young people share a misconception that health insurance is for old and married people.

Reasons Why You Should Buy Health Insurance At An Early Age

Here are ten reasons to buy health insurance at an early age.

1. Waiting period

Health insurances have a waiting period during which the insured person cannot make a claim even if it’s a medical emergency. Majority health insurances have a waiting period of 30 to 90 days while in some it can extend to four years.

Most of the insurances have a list of ailments such as knee replacement, cataract, etc. that have a waiting period. When you buy health insurance before the 30s, you can easily wait it out without any health concerns.

2. Extensive cover at a lower premium

People between 25 to 30 years are less likely to develop illnesses or severe ailments. With this assumption, the insurance companies charge a lower premium to this age group compared to the older group. Also, you can enjoy the benefits of comprehensive coverage when you make this purchase at an early age.

3. Duration

Health insurances come with an upper limit for age. The upper limit will not affect you if you buy health insurance at an early age. Also, you can avail health insurance for a more extended period.

4. Broader coverage

As stated above, due to the lower susceptibility to illnesses and other ailments, the insurance companies offer wider coverage to people between 25 to 30 years. Today, the wider coverage includes diseases, OPD expenses, daycare procedures, maternity benefits, post-maternity expenses etc.

5. Pre-existing conditions

Majority health insurances exclude pre-existing medical conditions from the coverage. You won’t get sufficient cover if you buy health insurance in your 40s and 50s when there are higher chances of existing ailments. Get your health covered at an early age, in the prime of your health.

6. No Claim Bonus

Health insurances have a ‘no claim bonus’ (NCB) when you don’t have any claims in the previous year of the policy. When you buy health insurance at a young age, most likely you won’t have any claims and will gain this bonus on policy renewal. You can enjoy an increased coverage in your old age with the NCB accumulated over the years.

7. Wider choice of plans

Between 25 to 30 years, you have a wider choice of health plans than you would have in your 40s or 50s. You can compare the sum assured, coverage and other essential parameters before you settle on one health insurance.

8. Lower rejection rate

When you are young, there are lower probabilities of your sickness or any medical condition. However, your health and immunity will gradually deteriorate with age, increasing the risk of illnesses. Insurance companies reject insurance applications based on the risk factor. So your application for health insurance has lower chances of rejection when you apply at an early age.

9. Better financial planning

When yours and your family’s health is taken care of, you can divert your finances to other long-term investments. Early health insurance gives you greater coverage for medical expenses and emergencies even after retirement.

10. Effects of a sedentary lifestyle

Ideally, the youth should be less vulnerable to chronic ailments and diseases. However, lifestyle diseases have become common in the youth owing to their sedentary lifestyle, the increased pollution, and the poor diet. Unfortunately, being young or fit provides no fool-proof guarantee against diseases or accidents. Therefore, even youngsters must perceive health insurance as an investment rather than an expense.


All in all, it’s wise to make this financial investment when you are young and healthy and enjoy more significant benefits throughout your lifetime. Health insurance should give you maximum cover so that during a medical emergency, the treatment and recovery is your only focus.

Also read- Health Insurance Covers A Variety Of Illnesses.

Consider These Factors When Purchasing An Aditya Birla Health Insurance Plan


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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