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Random Covid-19 Tests to Be Conducted at Delhi Airport, Railway Stations

According to the Delhi government, random Covid-19 tests will be conducted at railway stations, bus depots and other public places to keep a check on the spread of the deadly disease. The Delhi government announced that the random testing will be performed at crowded boarding points for private buses. As per a government directive random testing of travellers coming from various states where coronavirus infection is spreading quickly should be done by all means. 

The news comes as India witnesses an increase in the number of coronavirus cases in Delhi as well as multiple other states. As per the latest reports, cases of new double mutant variant (E484Q + L452R) of coronavirus has been identified in India, where 206 cases of the double mutant variant have been detected in Maharashtra alone. 

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The Indian government has also barred public celebrations of forthcoming festivals such as Holi, Shab-e-Barat and Navratri festivals to spread the coronavirus from spreading. The government is shedding light on the significance of adherence to safety measures by people, especially when present in public places.

According to the Health Ministry, India reported 53,476 new novel coronavirus infections in the past 24 hours, a number that is the highest in the last five months. The country's Covid-19 tally is now 1.17 crore, while it is the first time in the last 138 days that the novel coronavirus cases crossed the 50,000-mark.

More than 5.31 crore vaccine doses may have been administered across India, with 23,03,305 new vaccinations reported in a day, the rapid spread of the coronavirus is becoming worrisome for the government as well as people. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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