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Purchase Travel Insurance in Less Than a Minute Now with Reliance General Insurance

Excited to travel so much so that forgot to get a good travel insurance policy? Worry less now as Reliance General Insurance has made it possible to get insured even at the last moment. Which means that even if you have received your boarding pass and have gone through the security check, still you have time to buy a travel insurance policy right there inside the airport. 

With an NFC-enabled way introduced by Reliance General Insurance, the customers can instantly purchase travel insurance in a go. The new undertaking ‘Tap and Buy’ can let the users buy travel insurance in less than a minute. All they need to do is tap their smartphones on the airport display screen. Soon after they do so, the phone will open Whatsapp and the interested person can get insured in less than 60 seconds. For the convenience of the customers, a total of 46 NFC-enabled display screens have been installed at the IGI Airport, Delhi. 

The process of travel insurance is based on NFC (Near Field Communication). It is a short-range communication signal that works for most smartphones including iPhone X and above, Android phones with version 4.0 or above. The process is quick, convenient and hassle-free too. With this, the users can by-pass the paperwork which is otherwise required while purchasing a travel insurance policy. 

The Executive Director & CEO of Reliance General Insurance, Mr. Rakesh Jain stated on the development, “We always aim to focus on leveraging technological advancements to improve the customer experience. Using NFC communication technology, we have aimed to capture last-minute travelers problem at ease with our TAP & BUY solution, making it possible in just under 60 seconds.”

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